Anxiety, Depression and LonelinessSample

Anxiety, Depression and Loneliness

DAY 7 OF 7

Bless Me

There are five lessons we can learn when we go through moments of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. We have seen the first three lessons on our inabilities, learning what God wants to teach us, and that with God, the ending is just the beginning. Today we will take a look at the last two lessons.

Lesson Number Four: Ask for help.

There comes a time in your life when you may say, “I cannot take this anymore!” We must be honest and humble enough to ask for and receive help at such moments. No one is more willing to help us in our times of distress than our good Father God. Psalm 121 says that God neither slumbers nor sleeps. Psalm 139 says that God knows everything about us. In Psalm 109, King David, knowing that he could not save himself, asks God for help, “Help me, O Lord my God. Save me according to your steadfast love. Let them know that this is your hand; you, O Lord, have done it! Let them curse, but you will bless! They arise and are put to shame, but your servant will be glad!” Do not be proud; ask for help.

Lesson Number Five: Love.

We want to be loved, to belong, to be part of a group of friends. We do not want to be left out. However, next time you feel sad because your friends got together and did not invite you, let me ask you to love them instead. Create your own space and invite your friends there. The space that others built, the one where you were not included—leave it behind. Make a space for everyone, where no one is rejected, where other people can feel God’s love through you.

One of the definitions of loneliness is a feeling of bleakness or desolation due to the absence or loss of someone or something. Loneliness is a feeling, a feeling of loneliness that comes when we feel we do not belong. My dad got us involved in the baseball league when I was a kid. Everyone said I sucked at baseball, they were expecting me to fail, so whenever I played, I failed. I would get home and feel sad after those games. One day I said, “God, what if I invite them to know You as their Savior?” I found very few who resisted the true love of God.

God has the medicine for you in the present. God is looking for you. The hard moments in your life are divine appointments where He comes and rescues you. When you feel depressed, anxious, or lonely, remember these three things: God is real; God loves you; God has something good for you.

Meditate on this today: In my past, my present, and my future, I decide to see God as a great God (not a small God).

We hope you have enjoyed this devotional plan. For more information on the preaching in Spanish on which it was based this plan, follow this link: Ansiedad, Depresión, Soledad - G316 Polanco

Day 6

About this Plan

Anxiety, Depression and Loneliness

We have all been through moments of loneliness, anxiety, and sorrow. Many of the people in the Bible have been as well. Their stories should inspire us to look for answers in the Scriptures. The problem with these emotions—anxiety, depression, and loneliness— is that we often give them too much power over us. We must choose to give that power to the Word of God.
