Riding Solo: Life to the Full Minus Your Plus-OneSample

Riding Solo: Life to the Full Minus Your Plus-One

DAY 7 OF 7

Life to the Full

Jesus could have said so many things in this passage -

  • I have come that they may have forgiveness.
  • I have come that they may have a holy life.
  • I have come that they may learn to be like me

But no… he says,

“I have come that they may have life and have it in all its fullness.”

What a gift!

“I have come that they may have life and have it in all its fullness.” n I will live life to the full,” or “When I get the pay raise I have worked so hard for…” or “When I buy this or that…”. But Jesus has already done all that needs to be done for us to live life to the full. It is finished. No extras required. The price has been paid!

So the rest is left to us.

If the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, Jesus has come to give gifts, bring life, and create. This is the fullness on offer to us.

But will you take it?

Take a moment to write down the gifts you have been given, the blessings of life through Jesus, and what He has made through you.

Are we not utterly blessed?


Day 6

About this Plan

Riding Solo: Life to the Full Minus Your Plus-One

Two-for-one cinema tickets; buy-one-get-one-free pizza deals: the world can seem prone to partnership. Yet God’s plan for us isn't hindered by a missing plus-one. In fact, He loves it! Whether you’re growing weary or bright-eyed about dating, our perspective of being single can hugely affect our journey. It's time to align with God’s word and let Him take the wheel.
