The Essential Jesus (Part 10): The Parables of JesusSample

The Essential Jesus (Part 10): The Parables of Jesus

DAY 5 OF 5

Uncommon Prayer

PRAY: Lord Jesus, you took time to teach your disciples to pray. I ask that you would help me get a better understanding of how to communicate with you.

READ: Luke 18:1-14

REFLECT: When I was in high school, I loved English class (well, most of the time) because we got to study short stories. I enjoyed seeing how great authors could develop memorable characters and interesting plots in just a few pages. That's exactly what Jesus does in the two parables we read today.

The first one, about the persistent widow (vv. 1-8), was directed toward the disciples and anyone else who wants to follow Jesus. There's a bit of humor in the interplay between the corrupt judge and the pesty woman. The surprising thing is that Jesus held this tireless agitator up as his model prayer warrior. But effective prayer doesn't always sound like it comes from the Book of Common Prayer. Often it involves insisting, pleading, and begging with God. It's important to note, however, that the woman's cause is consistent with God's priorities; she's praying for justice (v. 3), not a new Cadillac.

The second parable, about the Pharisee and the tax collector (vv. 9-14), was directed to anyone who is proud and condescending (v. 9). The obvious point is that God responds to the prayers of humility, not pride. The tricky thing is to know the difference, and that's not always so easy to do. Getting involved in church, avoiding sin, and pursuing spiritual disciples are all good things--unless they cause us to look down on others. Prayers based on our own goodness don't get too far with God. Prayers based on our need for him get much better reception.

Maybe these parables are less like a collection of short stories and more like another volume on my shelf at home. It's called The Book of Uncommon Prayer, and it contains a collection of unorthodox but honest prayers through the ages. Jesus seems to be saying that whatever they sound like, those are the ones God likes best.

APPLY: Do you feel that you are honest with God when you pray? Why?

PRAY: Take a few minutes to say or even write out your own uncommon prayer.

Discussion Questions for "The Parables of Jesus"

  1. What examples of showing mercy have you seen or experienced recently?
  2. Some people think that showing mercy is a sign of weakness. What do you think?
  3. What's your philosophy about money and possessions? Is it really possible to be wealthy but not "possessed by your possessions"?
  4. How could you use the resources God has given you for maximum return according to his priorities?
  5. What practical steps could you take to show more compassion for the "down-and-outers" in your world?
  6. Was there ever a time in your life when you felt lost and away from God? What was it like? Have you made your way back to him yet? If so, how did it happen?
  7. When is pride a good thing? How do you know when pride is bad, and how can you avoid it?

The Essential Jesus (Part 11): More Parables of Jesus

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Day 4

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The Essential Jesus (Part 10): The Parables of Jesus

In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why he is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how he treated people, why he did miracles, the meaning of his death, the significance of his resurrection, and what the Bible says about his second coming.
