The Glories of Altarsნიმუში

The Glories of Altars

DAY 3 OF 14


sur·ren·der | səˈrendər | verb

—to yield to God; to choose God’s perfect will over our transient, limited will; to stop resisting Holy Spirit

There are only three fountainheads of desire that direct our actions:

  • our will
  • satan’s will
  • God’s will

Our will is tainted and narrow in perspective. Satan’s will is to kill, steal, and destroy. God’s will is perfect in scope, power, and love. In surrendering to His will, we offer the dearest parts of who we are and those we love into Jesus’ waiting arms, and step back—not knowing what will happen next. Trust in the infinite goodness of God undergirds us in this vulnerable surrender.

Ultimately, the surrender of our will is the necessary preparation for life to the full. Surrender releases God-opportunities. Resisting God bogs us down in circular patterns. The more quickly we submit and are changed, the faster we can course straight again.

I am now over sixty years old. As I look back at the Lord’s faithful work in my life, I treasure most His intentionality to help me kneel at this altar. Some of my most repeated prayers for myself are inviting Jesus to bring me to complete surrender and refine my desires with His fire. He has trained me to recognize circumstances that shape His character in me so I can welcome them and surrender more readily—sometimes even rejoice in the privilege of being made into His image. Surrender is one of the principal ways God works all things together for my good (Rom. 8:28).

God’s will is exciting, lovely, pure, intricate, and fascinating. It is drenched in perfect love, wisdom, and understanding. Sometimes I like to linger at the surrender of my will to gaze at His loveliness and perfection as seen in the Word and enjoy His sustaining Presence. But even if the surrender is grievous—even if I mourn in the season that follows—even if I never understand this side of Heaven, I still know His will is best. The submitted heart echoes, “Your will be done.”

Let Us Surrender

  • Take an inventory of your current will: your wants (stated or unstated), your desired outcomes, opinions, and goals for yourself or others, the way you approach what is important to you—Jesus warns us that our “treasures” govern our heart (Mat. 6:19–21).
  • Ask Holy Spirit to reveal any place where your strong will distorts or negates God’s higher, holy will for your life.
  • As the Lord gives you faith, honor Him by submitting your will to Him. Elevate His omniscient view above your limited understanding.
  • There is no need to hurry here. Let awe override fear. Enjoy the beauty and magnitude of God’s faultless will.
  • Trust Him to guide you into your very next steps and obey His promptings.
Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

The Glories of Altars

Each day of this very personal Bible plan brings you once again to the altar in your soul—just you and Jesus. Over the course of fourteen days you will have God-opportunities to redirect your life, cast your burdens on the One who cares for you, and be filled anew—a different experience each day. Come be gloriously changed, receive peace, and walk free!
