Switch: How To Follow JesusSample

Switch: How To Follow Jesus

DAY 4 OF 6

Live Like No One Else

Did you know that Jesus was about 33 years old when He died on the cross for us? He was 33 and never sinned. Not even, like, one little eye-roll at His parents! Jesus is completely unique as God’s Son. He’s fully God. The Bible tells us that He knows everything, has all power, and depends on nothing outside of Himself for life. He is also fully man. He experienced the same temptations we do, but He never sinned. That means we have a Savior who gets what it’s like to be in our shoes. 

We’ve been talking about discipleship and how it means telling others what Jesus has done for you. There’s another side to discipleship, and that’s living a life that leads others to Jesus and honors God. Think about it. Jesus died for our sins. That’s the biggest sacrifice anyone could ever make—and He did it out of love. We can show our love back to Him by saying no to sin and yes to what God has for us instead. 

Sometimes, those choices are tough. It could mean changing the way you talk about people—building them up instead of tearing them down. Maybe it’s getting help from a friend about a secret struggle that’s been holding you down. Craig Groeschel, senior pastor of Life.Church, says, “Choose the hard right over the easy wrong.” In other words, being a disciple of Christ may not always be easy, but it’s always the right choice. 

Spend some time in prayer thanking Jesus for His sacrifice of love on the cross. Ask God to show you any area of your life that’s not honoring to him. 

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Switch: How To Follow Jesus

We throw the word disciple around all the time. But do we really know what it means? And what does it really look like to follow Jesus in our lives every day—to actually be His disciple? If you want to really be a disciple of Jesus, then this Bible Plan is for you.
