From Pawns to KingsSample

From Pawns to Kings

DAY 5 OF 5


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Romans 12:2

There are millions of exercise programs out there. They are designed to help you lose weight, gain muscle, tone, tighten and totally transform your body. There are probably millions of books, learning programs and tutorials to help you to learn various life-changing skills.

As believers in Christ Jesus, there is only one way for us to transform from the person we once were, into the person that God wants us to be. That is by renewing the mind through the word of God. We are the stewards of God’s will on earth. God has a purpose for each of us. As believers, we must be about the Father’s business, as was our Master, Christ Jesus.

To renew the mind means to take on God's perspective on a subject and his perspective is in his word. The word is our way to gain insight on how God thinks. The Holy Spirit keeps us sensitive to God’s will, by reminding us what things are acceptable and unacceptable ways of conduct while we live in this flesh.

We are carnal in our human way of thinking. God’s way of thinking is divine. We as humans tend to change with our feelings but God’s word never changes. It is up to us as believers to allow God’s word to elevate our thinking. In doing so, he gradually changes us to be more like him. The idea is to become conformed to his image, not try to change God’s word to suit our personal desires or human purposes. As you apply yourself to this process consistently, you will discover, as I did, that our Father’s Way is truly the best way.


Day 4

About this Plan

From Pawns to Kings

Does who God says you are align with how you think about yourself? Most often the things that keep us from knowing our Identity in Christ are stumbling blocks from our past. From Pawns to Kings is a devotional designed to help you overcome temptation, renew the mind, and take claim of whom God says you are - a King!
