Holy Week - a ReflectionSample

Holy Week - a Reflection

DAY 5 OF 7

It is finished!

What is “good” about Good Friday?

After all, Jesus is wrongfully accused…on Friday. Jesus is abandoned by His closest friends, mocked by the people He loves, ridiculed by His own creation, and tortured at the hands of those He wants to forgive…on Friday. Jesus is whipped, spat upon, beaten, and then crucified…on Friday.

I’d ask again—what is “good” about Good Friday?

Friend, as Jesus hung on the cross, He made seven statements. Each of them, while heartbreaking, is a miracle for those of us who know Him:

A word of forgiveness, for you.

“‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do’” (Luke 23:34, NIV)

A word of welcome, for you.

“‘You will be with Me in paradise’” (Luke 23:43, NIV)

A word of comfort, for Mary, and for you.

“‘Woman, behold your son!’” (John 19:26-27, NIV)

A word of separation, for you.

“‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’” (Matthew 27:46, NIV)

A word of request, for you.

“‘I thirst!’” (John 19:28, NIV)

A word of declaration, for you.

“‘It is finished!’” (John 19:30, NIV)

A word of trust, for you.

“‘Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit’” (Luke 23:46, NIV)

The One who could have condemned…forgave. The One who could have excluded…welcomed. The One who was losing His family…opened His for all of us. The One who was rejected…accepted us. The Living Water was thirsty! All of our sin and all of our brokenness was crushed with three miraculous words: It is finished! And finally, in an act of implicit trust, Jesus gives Himself to His Father.

Jesus’ work was done. Our debt was paid. He who knew no sin became sin for us. It was a heartbreaking miracle.

What is “good” about Good Friday?

For those who believe in Jesus—everything!

We were pardoned and set free!

Take a moment and simply remember all that Jesus did for you. Reflect on the high price that He paid for your salvation.

The final words of anyone’s life are the most important words ever spoken. Today, what can you say to those who love you that they can hold on to for the rest of their lives? Pick up the phone. Write the letter. Send the email. Share some words of life with those who love you. Just like the miraculous words of Jesus.

Believing for your miracle today!

Grant Fishbook

Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

Holy Week - a Reflection

Do you take the time to reflect on the Holy week of Easter? We tend to focus on this special week once a year, but the events that happened on this week are relevant to us everyday. This 7-day plan will help you quietly reflect on the events of Passion week.
