A Better DaySample

A Better Day

DAY 1 OF 7

A Better Day Is Coming

with Andrew Palau

There’s no way to sugarcoat it—something’s not right. Each morning we wake to a steady stream of pain and suffering. Rejection, emptiness, and grief follow us like a shadow. The darkness of evil and hatred affect us in real ways which seem beyond our control. We know—this is not the way it’s supposed to be.

So, we try to fix it. We scramble to comfort ourselves. We desperately try to fill our emotional emptiness. We rush to escape painful situations—to bring the chaos into order, and we try to find our own solutions to life’s problems. Is it working for you? It’s never worked for me! I know I need something more!

Do you feel it? The deep longing—the desire for peace, fulfillment, real love that flows to all people, unhindered by pride? We all feel it. This desire was put in us by our maker. A chasm of yearning, in the heart of every person, and God is the ultimate fulfillment. He wants to fill our deepest longings. He doesn’t want anyone to perish. He knows this is not the way it’s supposed to be.

We believe a better day is coming. A day when all wrong things will be undone. C.S. Lewis once said, “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” We can live life with this hope—that the world we were made for will one day be our reality. It will happen! When we meet Jesus face to face, and when He returns to the earth and makes everything right, a better day will dawn.

In John 16, Jesus said our waiting for Him would be like a woman suffering as with the pains of childbirth. He said that just as a woman’s anguish fades away when she sees her newborn baby’s face, the sorrow of our present time will turn to joy when we see Him again.

God is not far off. Even now, we have something to live for! Jesus has come. He was crucified to pay our debt and free us from the power of sin, giving us the gift of eternal life. He rose out of the grave, conquering even death! Ephesians 2 says we were raised from death along with Him. It says we’re seated with Him in heavenly realms because we’re united with Him! He tore apart the veil that separated us from God. Even now His light, His goodness, His beauty—it’s already seeping into this world. Day by day, it’s exposing and driving out evil.

He is our hope—the Light of the World. But so many people are still in the dark about who He is and what He’s done for us. So many are drowning in hopelessness.

We have a challenge for you today. Will you be a vessel to carry His light out into the dark and hurting world?

Ephesians 2 says that God points to us—you and me—as living examples of His incredible wealth of grace and kindness toward humanity, shown by what He’s done for us who are united with Christ Jesus.

You can spread the light of Heaven and the Gospel of truth wherever you go. This is your opportunity to share the great hope we have in Jesus.

This week, we want to stand with you as we acknowledge the heartache and troubles that come to us all. And we want to turn our eyes to Jesus, our hope.

To be fully alive in this hurting world, we must hold tight to the promised beauty awaiting us in the next world. It’s an amazing gift, and it’s a hope we can share. We must remember that Heaven came down for us in person—Jesus Christ. And He came not only for us but for the sins of the whole world. In the face of despair let’s invite others to join us as we choose to behold the God of hope.

Let’s pray—

Lord, as we grieve together over the pain and wrongness of the world, revive us with Your hope. Help us see and proclaim the beauty of who You are and what You’ve done. Even in the middle of the mess, You hold us in Your love. You are the hope of the whole world. Be with us this week as we turn our eyes to Heaven. Amen.

Day 2

About this Plan

A Better Day

There’s no way to sugarcoat it—something’s not right. Each morning we wake to a steady stream of pain. We scramble to comfort ourselves. But we know a better day is coming—a day when wrong things will be undone. And God’s promises start here and now. This 7-day devotional from Andrew and Wendy Palau will refresh you with living hope and inspire you to share Jesus with a world in pain.
