Enforcing You: Standing on the Promises of GodSample

Enforcing You: Standing on the Promises of God

DAY 10 OF 10

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

The word heart in this verse comes from the Hebrew word, “nephesh,” which is translated into the English word, “soul,” 475 times in the Bible. The definition denotes “soul, self, appetite, mind, desire, emotion, passion; activity of mind, will and character.” Hence the phrase, “as the heart thinks.” In other words, it includes both the heart and the mind.

This verse is not referring to the spiritual being but rather the soul or the personality of a person. I like to refer to the personality as the thinker, the feeler, and the picker because it encompasses what we think, feel, and choose. So, what does this mean in the context of this verse? It means that what we believe in our minds, feel in our hearts, and our choices form the paradigm that we live within, which ultimately molds who we become.

Let’s make this relevant. Is it possible that some of the “bad habits” you have or toxic behaviors that you struggle with are connected to a reoccurring thought or emotion? Consider how a thought such as “I’m a failure” might develop unhealthy patterns and form a person’s paradigm, albeit a false one. Simply said, this verse captures the power that our thoughts and emotions have to navigate who we become.

We must recognize the power of becoming thoughts or becoming feelings. Moreover, consider the power of becoming the result of your choices, one decision at a time. The point here is that you can change the course of your life by starting with your soul, that is, your mind, your emotions, and your will. This can either work for you or against you.

Take a moment to ask if your soul is reconciled, or in agreement with what God says is true about YOU. Or is your soul agreeing with lies? Let’s start lining ourselves up with God by declaring this together. “God, I declare that I have the mind of Christ and the heart of God. Today, I will think like You, feel like You do, and by Your Spirit, I will make choices according to Your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

We pray this reading plan has blessed you. To stay in contact with Lisa, please click HERE


Day 9