Listening to God in a Time of CrisisSample

Listening to God in a Time of Crisis

DAY 1 OF 4

Please note: This video was filmed before the war in Ukraine.

How to Listen to God

In a world with so many things competing for our attention and focus, God’s people have been challenged to prioritise one voice over all others: ‘Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches’ (Revelation 3:22).

How can we discern God’s voice and let Him be the one who shapes our vision amidst the distractions of the world? Here are five practices I find helpful:

  1. Read. The main way in which God communicates with us is through the Bible. It’s how I first encountered Jesus. Ever since, I have read it practically every day of my life. Yet, I am constantly seeing and discovering new things. For me it’s like spiritual food for the day. Don’t simply read the Bible for information, but to hear God speaking to you.
  2. Listen. I love walking. Personally, I also find it the best way to pray. This has been my pattern for the last few years. After reading the Bible each day, I go out and walk around our local park. I note down anything I sense the Holy Spirit saying as I pray. You can pray as you walk to the bus stop or walk from one activity to the next. Talk as you walk.
  3. Think. God has given us a mind, and He often guides us through our mind and through our reason. He guides us as we think through an issue, when we’re facing a big decision or need direction.
  4. Talk. Talk to the people God has placed in your life. A good friend will not only say nice things: ‘Better is open rebuke than hidden love’ (Prov 27:5). True friendship involves more than unquestioning approval. I am so grateful to my good friends who have confronted me with painful truth from time to time – always out of love and with great sensitivity and grace. God speaks to us through the community of the Church.
  5. Watch. God has a purpose for your life. He is in control of the universe. You may not always have the comfort of understanding what Jesus is doing or why He is letting life be the way it is, but you do have the comfort of knowing that He is in control. So, when facing a decision, you can say, "Lord, this is in Your hands. I trust You," and then trust for Him to act.

So, what is the God saying to the Church today?

Right now, we’re living in the digital revolution, which enables everyone to hear the gospel more easily than ever before in history. I think this is a huge opportunity for the Church to fulfill the manifesto of Jesus.

In Luke 4:18–19, Jesus quotes Isaiah 61 and says, ‘“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”’ This is the manifesto of Jesus, and this is what we as the Church are called to do.

In Jesus’ manifesto, there are three key themes, which can help us reimagine our world:

  • the evangelisation of the nations
  • the revitalisation of the Church
  • the transformation of society

When it comes to evangelisation, telling people about Jesus is the most loving thing that you can do for them. The Spirit of the Lord invites all of us to tell the world this good news.

The revitalisation of the Church is also critically important. The Church of Jesus Christ is where people find the love and healing they so desperately need. Therefore, we need lively churches in every part of the world.

Finally, we have the transformation of society. Jesus’ manifesto involved proclaiming and demonstrating the good news — caring for the poor, healing the sick, standing up for the oppressed. That’s part of the commission of the Church, to pray for the sick, to stand for the oppressed, to believe that God will act supernaturally in our world. All these issues are part of the transformation of society.

God has placed us here in this moment—for such a time as this—for evangelisation, revitalisation, and transformation.

Day 2

About this Plan

Listening to God in a Time of Crisis

How do you hear the voice of God? What does God say in times of global crisis? In this 4-day plan, Alpha Founder Nicky Gumbel starts by sharing some simple practices that help him listen to God. He goes on to present three key challenges that he senses God is calling us all to respond to: greater unity in the church, prioritising evangelism, and daily reliance on the Holy Spirit.
