Our Daily Bread: Peace to YouSample

Our Daily Bread: Peace to You

DAY 1 OF 10

Something New

Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant. -Mark 10:43

With a splotch of white from the artist’s palette and a few flicks of his wrist, purplish clouds appeared on the black canvas. As the painter splashed in bits of blue and red, mountains soon loomed skyward. Flecks of white draped them in snow. Then the artist slathered the base in a shocking spray of yellow. The scene appeared ruined.

But as the painter continued dabbing at the canvas, a green pasture watered by a brook began to emerge. What had looked like a mistake became something new. Something better.

To the disciples, Christ’s promise of a new kingdom seemed an enticing prospect. They envisioned a government led by a Messiah who would free the Jewish people from Roman oppression and appoint the disciples as His “cabinet.” The disciples even squabbled over who would have the most prominent positions (Mark 10:37,41).

To the disciples, the cross would look like a colossal mistake, a complete defeat. They couldn’t see the scene Jesus was painting—one in which the leader bends to serve, weakness becomes strength, and the last becomes the first. They didn’t realize Jesus was winning when all appeared lost.

We too make our own plans and they seem good to us until reality intrudes. God is doing something different. When He jolts us out of our complacency, we can anticipate beauty and creativity beyond our imagination. The Supreme Artist is always doing something new.

By Tim Gustafson

How do you think the disciples felt when their leader was crucified? Why do you think God’s way is different than ours?

Heavenly Father, give us the wisdom to see life’s surprises, both good and bad, as opportunities to trust You and Your good purposes.


Day 2