When You DieSample

When You Die

DAY 9 OF 10

MYTH #4- All people (and dogs) go to heaven.

Will all the people you love be in heaven? Will all the animals you love be in heaven? Let’s start with the second question. In the first garden, Eden, God created animals and called them good. So it would make sense that when He restores us to the garden, animals will be there. The Bible never mentions, though, that animals have souls. So, will our pets be there? Perhaps that’s one of the questions we let God be sovereign over, and we let go of trying to figure it out.

And what about people? It is clear that all people will die and that all people will have eternity. But it is also clear that not everyone spends eternity in heaven with Jesus. That’s bad news.So, is there any good news? Yes! Absolutely! THE Good News is that heaven and eternal life have been made available to everyone through the death and resurrection of Jesus. The only way to receive the gift eternal life is to make the appropriate decisions about Jesus Christ during this lifetime. You cannot earn your way there by good works. Your good works will never be good enough. The only answer is to put all faith, trust and confidence in the work of Jesus on the cross.

Ask Yourself:

-List 3 people in your life who have not accepted the invitation to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Pause to Pray:

Pray for your list of 3 names. “Jesus, open their hearts to receive You…”

Take a Next Step:

Make a commitment to pray for your 3 names for 3 minutes at 3pm for the rest of the week. And ask God to give you an opportunity to share the hope of eternity with them!

Day 8Day 10

About this Plan

When You Die

If you’ve ever traveled somewhere new, you have probably done some research before the trip so you know what to expect. But for many of us, the end-of-life trip to heaven remains a mystery which can lead us to dread rather than anticipate eternity. The Bible provides us with some exciting insights about heaven and it will help us shatter some myths that exist about the afterlife.
