One Minute Apologist - God's Design For SexSample

One Minute Apologist - God's Design For Sex

DAY 5 OF 5

What Is God’s View of Sex Compared to the World’s View?

In a world that is embracing moral relativity at a frighteningly rapid pace, we must take a step back and ask if our desires line up with God’s. Sex has devolved into a self-gratifying, pleasure seeking, physical action. Sex no longer represents the coming together of two into one flesh. At times there is not even an emotional connection, at least that’s how our culture tries to frame it.

As Christians, we need to understand that God designed sex and that it has a particular context. When we align our view of sex with God’s view, only then can we truly experience the freedom and pleasures that sex produces.

When sex takes place outside the context that God has set, it creates emotional distress, STD’s, unwanted pregnancy, divorce, resentment… the list could go on. Inside of God’s context, sex produces comfort, safety, connection, honesty…that list could go on as well. God has designed sex to take place between one man and one woman in marriage. God didn’t design sex this way to keep us from enjoying ourselves. He designed it this way to assure that you experience optimal pleasure from sex. That is a physical, emotional, and yes, even spiritual pleasure. He designed it this way for our safety.

Culture says that sex exists for one's personal sexual desires. God’s view of sex is a selfless act that seeks to acquire mutual pleasure in marriage. God specifically designed sex as a way for married couples to experience a bond unlike any other. It is two people becoming one in the most intimate way possible. When two people have sex outside of marriage, they enter into that bond without the covenant of marriage before God. That leaves the door open for a myriad of troubles.

If you are saving yourself for marriage, I say keep fighting. God’s timing is perfect, and He will no doubt bring you the perfect partner to enjoy the physical pleasures that He has designed. If you didn’t save yourself, or you’re currently in a physical relationship, I say it’s never too late to make a change. Make a commitment to yourself and God to abstain from all sexual activity until you are married.

Question to Consider

How would the world around us be different if everyone followed God’s plan for sex?

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Day 4

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One Minute Apologist - God's Design For Sex

It's almost impossible to read an article, turn on the TV, or get on the web without being bombarded by sex. The world says, “do it,” while the church is often too silent on the issue. God designed sex, so doesn’t it make sense to go to the designer and ask how we should handle it?
