Creating a Counter Culture - a Study on the BeatitudesSample

Creating a Counter Culture - a Study on the Beatitudes

DAY 4 OF 9

Blessed Are the Meek

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

This beatitude is probably a reference to Psalm 37.

"But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.."


In the Greek understanding, it is the idea of a wild stallion brought under control.

A good soldier is a meek person. He is trained to fight, kill, BUT only at the command of his General.


Meekness is a character we cultivate in the kingdom of God. None of us is naturally meek.

1. TRUST - The meek live a life surrendered to God and depend on Him for everything.

2. WAITING – Hope often requires waiting and trusting His timing.

3. REFRAIN FROM REVENGE – The Bible reminds us not to fret when evil men prosper. We must refrain from taking revenge. Jesus also tells his disciples to love their enemies.

4. SLOW TO SPEAK, QUICK TO LISTEN - James reminds us to be slow to speak and quick to listen.Lack of meekness makes us quick-tongued and quick-tempered.

5. TEACHABLE - The meek are open to counsel and correction; therefore, they are teachable.

6. WISE -James tells us a wise person is peaceable, gentle, and open to reason. The wise welcome feedback.

7. DEFENDS TRUTH - The meek submits to and seeks truth in every situation no matter what the cost.

Meekness is not weakness. You are not a pushover or a doormat. It is not a lack of convictions.

Matt 5:5b, "Shall inherit the earth."

The world tells you the meek are weak and are losers. However, Jesus says that we will inherit the earth. Is this a new thought? No. God’s plan and design for Adam and Eve was to have dominion over the earth, but they forfeited this privilege when they sinned. They chose self-will over meekness. Under the Lordship of Jesus, we become co-heirs with Christ and reign with Him. Now is this inheritance a physical one? Yes, in part, and it has a future element to it.


Jesus said of Himself, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart.” Matt 11:29

Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus epitomized meekness, even though He could command a legion of angels to rescue Him.

Moses, as the Pharaoh’s son, was not meek. He killed a slave in the name of justice. Forty years later, he comes back meek and leads millions out of slavery.

Abraham was meek. He did not assert himself with Lot but let his nephew choose first.


So, we see meekness as a Christlike quality. Meekness is not easy. Without becoming poor in spirit, we cannot become meek. Without mourning over our pride and independence, we cannot come to repentance to desire change and become meek.


  • Do you push for your way, or are you teachable?
  • When was the last time you invited feedback?
  • How good are you at waiting for God’s timing?
Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Creating a Counter Culture - a Study on the Beatitudes

Jesus ushered in a Kingdom that was upside down but needed to be lived from the inside out. In the Sermon on the Mount, He teaches the right interpretation of the law. This plan is by Navaz D'Cruz and Lasya D'Cruz based on a sermon series at Word Of Grace Church.
