Let's Prepare for Christmas!Sample

Let's Prepare for Christmas!

DAY 6 OF 7

Expectations can ruin you or build you up...

During Christmas, expectations can fly sky high. Do you remember your expectations of receiving a particular gift, only to be disappointed by another pair of socks? I do. And yet, there were moments when every expectation was fulfilled and exceeded in unexpected ways. 

On December 23, 1978, I was surprised by God. I didn’t expect anything special that Christmas. Although I was discouraged by life, I had heard about a relationship with Jesus that had given me a little hope. So I went to my brother Mickey’s house to celebrate with his family. I knew my mom and dad would be arriving soon, and I noticed that my heart was a little less angry and defensive before my parents arrived. What? 

To tell you the truth, my attitude surprised me. I had not spoken to my dad for over a year, and I only had hurt and bitterness towards him. But the Good News of Jesus has a weird way of tenderizing our hearts and causing us to hope again, care again, and expect things to change. The Bible says, “the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12, NIV) 

Are the Word and Spirit working on you to love, care, or forgive? 

Well, the night of their arrival was a disaster. My dad was as angry and mean as I’d remembered, and I immediately went to my room to pack. My little bit of hope had been dashed by the reality of a broken relationship. Expectations of people generally set us up for more pain and hurt. But my big brother walked into my room and saw my rage. He listened to my sad story, unashamedly asked me one question, and then provided the answer. “Paul, do you know what you need?” 

I answered, “No, Mick, what do I need?” Mick answered in a way that I never expected: “Paul, you need a relationship with Jesus Christ.”

I wish I could say I answered with “Yes, Mick, hallelujah! I see the light,” but instead, I said, “I’m never going to receive Jesus; religion doesn’t work.”

I’m not sure what you’re expecting this Christmas, but can I encourage you to shift all your desires, hopes, and cares to Jesus? Because it’s not about religion—it’s about a relationship. 

And you’re a miracle. 

And I’m your friend, Paul Marc Goulet


Day 5Day 7