We Need Christmas With Matthew West Sample

We Need Christmas With Matthew West

DAY 4 OF 5

4. We Need Love

The story of the birth of Jesus provides a powerful reminder that the message of the gospel is the message of God’s relentless pursuit. He stopped at nothing to save us. He went to great lengths to be with us. His name is “Immanuel,” meaning “God with us.” He sent his only son, trading the splendor of perfect Heaven for the squalor of broken earth. I wrote a Christmas song called “Leaving Heaven” that says, “if you ever wonder how much your worth you should know, you’re the reason why I’m leaving Heaven.” I love the thought that He was willing to leave Heaven to prove that He will never leave us!

That’s what real love does. Love pursues. Love chases. Love reaches. Love stays. And just as God stays with us, we are called to be people who stay with others. Jesus’ command in John chapter 13 issues a clear command for us to carry out this Christmas, “…love one another as I have loved you…” Our world is filled with hurting people. Many are desperate for love and waiting for someone to show them love. I believe God has pre-ordained opportunities for each of us to be a reflection of Immanuel. 

Who around you needs Christmas? Is there someone grieving and needs you to be with them in their hour of need? Is there someone who can’t afford Christmas presents for their children and you might be able to help? Is there an estranged member of your family that could use a phone call? Is there someone all alone this Christmas that you could check in on or bring a meal to? This world needs love. May we love one another just as He has loved us this Christmas. 

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

We Need Christmas With Matthew West

This year and last year have felt chaotic, stressful, uncertain, but God (I love those two words!) is unchanging, faithful, and our source of peace. Christmas is a time of remembrance, to reflect on what our God really did when Jesus was born in a manger. Follow along as we meditate on Christmas, joy, peace, love, and hope this Advent season. -Matthew West
