25 Songs of Christmas a Musical Celebration of the SeasonSample

25 Songs of Christmas a Musical Celebration of the Season

DAY 16 OF 25

Day 16 — Hark! The Herald Angels Sing


It’s not a word we use much anymore, but it has an important meaning. It means “to pay close attention and listen.” When angels speak, we need to listen! That’s what they were doing the night Jesus was born—announcing the birth of the Savior. Think of it, though. While an announcement by angels is filled with wonder in itself, it was the simplicity of the location and audience that was unique.

The birth of future kings of this world are announced with great pomp and circumstance. Gun salutes, town criers, and very public celebrations often mark the birth of royalty around the world. But God works differently.

He didn’t choose the wealthy or high-ranking. Instead, He chose those considered lowly with whom to share this news first. They weren’t religious or proud or of great power. They were humble and unassuming. 

That’s what Charles Wesley captured in “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” which first appeared as a poem in a book published in 1739. George Whitfield, an English evangelist and friend of Wesley’s, made some edits along the way, including the addition of the phrase “Glory to the newborn king.” 

Hark! the herald angels sing
Glory to the newborn King;
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled.

This Christmas, as you sing this carol (and you likely will!), remember how God works His miracles in unexpected ways. Celebrate the coming of the newborn King and the special way God chose to announce this royal birth. As you do so, join in what was said long ago, and shout, “Glory to the newborn King!”


Day 15Day 17

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25 Songs of Christmas a Musical Celebration of the Season

There’s nothing like music to put you in the Christmas spirit! We invite you to center your heart on the birth of Jesus and worship Him during our 25 Songs of Christmas—A Musical Celebration of the Season. Each day, you’ll focus on a Christmas song. As you read the day’s devotion, your heart will be filled with the true joy and peace that Christmas brings.
