Prayers For Unity In Your MarriageSample

Prayers For Unity In Your Marriage

DAY 5 OF 6

The Helmet of Salvation

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NASB

“Unity occurs when we combine our unique differences together as we head toward a common goal. It is the sense that the thing that we are gathered for and moving toward is bigger than our own individual preferences.” Tony Evans

Lord, through Christ’s death and resurrection, You provided me with salvation for eternity. Jesus laid down His life so that my eternal salvation would be secured. You bought me with a price through the sacrifice of Your Son. Because of this truth, I exist to glorify You with my life. So does my spouse. We are not our own. Our purpose is to bring You glory through our choices, words and the state of our hearts.

Help us to relinquish our will and rights to having our own way in order to honor You in unity together. Give us the bigger picture of Your kingdom and remind us of our greatest purpose which is to glorify You. Disunity is rebellion because disunity sets my desires and will above Yours. Disunity says I lay claim to my life, my body and my choices with no regard to Christ’s sacrifice and Your gift of salvation through the forgiveness of sins.

Unity reflects hearts of surrender under You, Lord, which is what Your Word says we are to do based on Christ’s redemption of us. Give us this reminder when things are disunified in our marriage, and enable us to overcome the challenges we face in order that we might unify our hearts in alignment under You. In Christ’s name, amen.
Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

Prayers For Unity In Your Marriage

One of the greatest desires of married couples is unity. Ironically, it also proves to be quite elusive. Often, when differences of opinion creep in, the results lead to conflict, frustration and resentment. How should a couple pray in these situations? In our six-day campaign, Prayers for Unity in Your Marriage, couples will be able to claim oneness in their marriages, praying the truth of Scripture as they do. Each prayer resembles one component of the full armor of God, designed to equip husbands and wives with unity. For further help, Tony’s book, Kingdom Marriage fully explores the biblical foundation for marriage and gives couples the tools they need to foster healthy relationships.
