One Thing: 7 Days to Discover a Simpler FaithSample

One Thing: 7 Days to Discover a Simpler Faith

DAY 1 OF 7

ONE THING TO SEEK ~ What do you desire most in life? If Aladdin’s genie were real, and you somehow obtained his lamp, what would you wish for? Many of us would request wealth, health, or happiness—or perhaps all three! After all, according to the classic tale, you get three wishes, right? But for the purpose of today’s reading plan, I just want you to narrow it down to just your number-one desire above all other things. 

The truth is, your wish reveals a lot about what is inside your heart and about what you believe is the key to your finding contentment in this world. In Psalm 27:4, David says, “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord, and to seek him in his temple.” What you desire and what you seek are inextricably tied together. If you want something badly enough, you’ll seek it out. David not only desired to dwell, to behold, and to inquire of the Lord, but he also sought after these things. Today, life offers an abundance of pursuits that compete for your time and affection. But to draw close to God is truly the one thing that will satisfy the soul. 

What are you searching the world for? What are you turning over every rock and looking around every corner—to obtain? What is that thing you think will truly satisfy you and bring you real peace, joy, and contentment? Let it be God! In Jeremiah 29:11–13, God declares that He knows the plans He has for you, and those plans are to help you prosper and to protect you—and to give you hope and a future. When you place your trust in this promise, the Lord says your actions will follow, because you will then call on Him, come to Him, and pray to Him. These are the tangible ways we seek to dwell in the presence of the Lord, who is your ever-present hope no matter what you are facing. 

Every morning before you get out of bed, join me in praying: “Lord, let it be that the one thing I seek is to dwell in Your house all the days of my life. May I gaze upon Your beauty and seek You in Your temple. In spite of everything in this world that vies for my attention, please let my affections stay true and focused on You, and You alone, for You are so worthy. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.”

Day 2

About this Plan

One Thing: 7 Days to Discover a Simpler Faith

Each day, thousands of choices press for your attention. Our world wrestles with numerous, legitimate social concerns. They all shout for us to weigh in and take a side. Do you ever wonder how things became so complicated? Dudley Rutherford highlights seven passages of Scripture where you’ll find the powerfully uncomplicated phrase: “one thing.” These Scriptures will quiet all the noise and call you back to a simpler faith.
