Growing in LoveSample

Growing in Love

DAY 5 OF 5

A Growing Love Shines Brightly

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, the Harris Poll (a market research company) surveyed American kids to ask what they wanted to do when they grew up. YouTube star ranked number one. 

More than ever before, individuals are seeking the spotlight of personal glory. In contrast, Christians are called to shine brightly for the glory of God. What does that look like practically? 

Let’s find out by highlighting some of today’s Scripture passages.

… work out your salvation … for it is God who works in you … Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure ... Then you will shine… Philippians 2:12-15 NIV
… let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father ... Matthew 5:16 NIV
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22 NIV
… The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6 NIV

These passages reveal that a Christian’s light is a process of growing in love by faith and cooperation with the Holy Spirit. 

So what does a radiant Christian look like? Is it a person who smiles all the time and never seems to have a bad day? Is it someone who is impressively nice, or the most outwardly generous person you know? 

Maybe, or maybe not. Remember day three’s soul alignment—our actions and our motives matter.

Take a second to think about this stunningly true quote from the popular book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse:

“Isn’t it odd. We can only see our outsides, but nearly everything happens on the inside.” 

Radiant love stops looking at the surface. It stops comparing, judging, criticizing, and acting out of prejudice, and instead looks to God. 

We shine God’s love when we know our battle is against spiritual darkness and we prayerfully fight for unity with other Christ followers. We shine when we speak up and act on behalf of injustices, live generously and gratefully, do all the good we can, and love our enemies.

Secular culture tries to lure us into seeking our own pleasure, philosophy,  popularity, and purpose outside of God. Ironically, secularism has created a world of people who are chronically insecure and empty. They have either neglected or rejected exalting and magnifying God. 

In contrast, the most God-glorifying people know their identity and significance comes from Him. 

Brothers and sisters in Christ, to continually shine Christ’s love, we must remember that we are fully secure and infinitely significant through Christ. He is our life, our security, and our significance. 

And when we live by His Spirit, secure in who we are in Him, love emanates brilliantly from us, and God receives all the glory. 

Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! Psalm 34:3 RSV

Pray: Beautiful and awesome God of love and light, I humble myself before You. I will glorify You alone. I reject the lies of insecurity. You are my significance, and I am secure in You. Help my faith grow in Your pure, sacrificial, and radiant love. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Find more content from Pastor Amy on her episodes of the You’ve Heard It Said podcast.  

Day 4

About this Plan

Growing in Love

What truly matters is loving God and loving others, but how do we do that effectively? The truth is, we can’t love people well in our own power. But when we look to God and lay ourselves down in humility, we can live from God’s authentic and powerful love. Learn more about growing in love in this 5-day Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel.
