Grace BombSample

Grace Bomb

DAY 5 OF 5

Remembering God's Grace Bomb

Grace-built people are sealed, spiritually speaking, with the person of the Holy Spirit. A seal is something of an official declaration, a mark of authenticity, with a powerful agency backing it up. Being sealed with God the Holy Spirit, by the will of God the Father, because of God the Son, is quite reassuring. 

This doesn’t mean that we instantly are changed into people who will never mess up and always do everything right—but it does mean that, as far as eternity is concerned, we are untouchable. If the Holy Spirit has been deposited, the rest of your inheritance is guaranteed. 

As if the assurance of our salvation were not enough of a gift, we also learn from Jesus that the Holy Spirit is not only a reminder for tomorrow but also a Helper for today. God intends for us to grow as grace-built people, to mature, and to become more like Jesus—and the Holy Spirit’s job is to help us with that. The Holy Spirit was active in carrying along and guiding the authors of the Bible, and He is still active in helping us learn and apply those Scriptures to our lives. And as we have already seen, He regularly nudges us toward obedience to reach out and grace bomb our neighbors.

So what are we to make of these Grace Bombs that shape our true identity? 

For starters, we rest in them. We receive them as gifts from a good Father. Tell your heart that this is who you truly are. Be filled with this love, care, and thoughtful concern for you. You are loved. Anchor your security and identity in this love, instead of in what the world tells you is beautiful. It is deep, thoughtful, providential, and practical. It is long-suffering and not going anywhere. It is a love to be experienced today. It is what our souls long for the most, the spiritual realities of being in a relationship with God. Enjoy these heavenly Grace Bombs. Enjoy Jesus and His freedom. 

Remember too that these blessings are immeasurable. You can’t count them up, and there are plenty to go around. These same Grace Bombs that shape your identity are eagerly waiting to fall on another soon-to-be child of God. Your fuel supply today can become another’s identity tomorrow, as your Grace Bombing adventures point them beyond mere kindness, to the source of kindness who is able to transform who they really are, scars and all. 

So now, before you go and do, just be. Be that human being, created in the image of God, remade by God, and now in a relationship with God. This is why you were born, and this is the ultimate source of your identity. Life, friends, is a Grace Bomb. Enjoy it, so that your giving is an overflow of love, not an obligation of religion. Stay thankful and dependent on the Master Bomber, and then follow His invitation to drop grace on your neighbors with every surprising and soul-satisfying opportunity He provides.

For more information on Grace Bomb visit here

Day 4