Healing Journey Sample

Healing Journey

DAY 3 OF 21


Welcome to Day 3

We're going to take a moment to put our eyes, our faith, and our focus on the love, grace, and goodness of our God. So be still, try to switch off from the busyness around you. Take a moment to shift the focus from whatever's going on in your room, in your mind, in your body, and place your emphasis on the healing power of Jesus today.


Today we are going to look at a famous Psalm, Psalm 23. Can we read it together? 

"The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, and He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. Yea, though, I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff they comfort me..."

What makes this Psalm so comforting is that it speaks to the times we are living in today. Right now, it almost feels as though evil is all around, and although we might have homes and we might have cars, and we might even have medicine, it seems to feel like the valley of the shadow of death hangs around our world - literally, right now. 

You might even be facing a diagnosis, a declaration of death to come, you might be fearing a virus that would lead to death. The Bible tells us that our Lord and Good Shepherd leads us so not only are we provided for, we are also at peace, and we are also divinely protected. Even though we walk through a valley of the shadow of death, it will not come near us, and we need not fear evil! Why? Because our Shepherd is with us. Today, we can be encouraged. This Psalm was written by an author who was so tormented, so attacked, and who lived a life being chased down by enemies and consistently came up against what appeared to be the threat of death, yet saw his God, his Good Shepherd, deliver him time and time again. 

If this Shepherd can be his (David's) Shepherd and if death does not destroy him, then as we have Jesus as our Shepherd - death does not destroy us. 

I want to encourage you to make this Psalm your own Psalm. Why? Because you share the same Shepherd that he shared. The precious Lord is our Good


Can we pray a prayer today, regardless of what you feel, what you fear, and what you face? Jesus is your Good Shepherd, and you will pass through the valley of the shadow of death untouched and unscathed. 

Father, I thank You for those reading this message right now who might even feel like they're at death's door. God, I pray You reveal yourself as the Good Shepherd to them, that Jesus is with them, and they need not fear. Father, we thank You for Your healing power and, Your protection is with them, and that every attack of the enemy will come to nothing. We declare healing and wholeness and divine protection in their lives, in their homes. In Jesus' Name! Amen! 


Receiving communion is a powerful moment, and we encourage you to take bread or a cracker, water, or juice around you. Even in a hospital room, you can use some of the food and water set aside as a powerful moment to receive communion. Communion is about placing your faith for your healing in the broken body of Jesus and for your forgiveness in the blood of Jesus by placing your focus on what Jesus has done for you. As you receive communion, reflect powerfully that no matter what you face, Jesus is greater, His love for you is greater, and He so desires to see you healthy and whole.


Now I’d like to pray a blessing over you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and show you His grace and give you peace.

-Numbers 6:24-26


Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Healing Journey

Whatever challenges you are facing in your body today, the finished work and love of Jesus testify of your journey to healing. Listen and follow along to the powerful, life-giving scriptures, short insights, and meditative prayer being read over you by Pastor Joshua McCauley. Accompanied by instrumental music, the reading of these healing scriptures will wash over and immerse you in God's healing anointing. God wants you HEALED and WHOLE!
