More Than____Sample

More Than____

DAY 1 OF 5


God has given us one of the most precious promises in this scripture, and it is twofold: all things work together for good for those who love God; and if God is for us, nothing can come against us. Have you stopped to consider the implications of this promise? It is something so powerful, if we can only remind ourselves of its importance every day.

We will face challenges on a daily basis; this is a fact of life. There is no guarantee that life will be easy. However, there is a guarantee that God will turn difficult situations around for good and, ultimately, for his glory. When we step back from our situation—whether it be good or bad—God is able to take the reins and guide us into his calling. And what does he ask us to do? Love him. 

Loving God can look like trusting him in times of stress or anxiety. It could be having faith when a circumstance seems impossible. It could be allowing him to take control of a situation when it may not be in our nature to do so.

But what about the enemy? What about the things surrounding us that tell us otherwise? Let’s be reminded of the second half of this promise in verse 31: if God is for us, who can be against us? This doesn’t mean that trials and enemies won’t come—I can guarantee they will! It simply means that they will have no hold on you. They will not win the battle when you love God and trust him.

Consider David; a shepherd boy and the youngest of seven sons. He was faced with a literal giant but had faith in God that he could stand up against Goliath and bring down the enemy that the Israelite army faced. He put his trust and love in God because he knew his heavenly father was stronger than a giant that had frightened even the bravest of soldiers.

We are called to be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37) and, thankfully, God does not expect us to be conquerors alone. He called us, justified us and, ultimately, we will be glorified. If the creator of the universe has said this of you, what human, situation, or trial could ever take you out? When we place our trust in God, we let him guide us to victory in every circumstance.


  1. What is an area of your life that you need to trust God with; to allow him to do his work in and through it?   
  2. Can you think of a time that he has come through for you before? How can this encourage you in your current situation?   
  3. How can we position ourselves to stand in victory with God over our current situation?

Day 2

About this Plan

More Than____

Do you truly know that you have more than you need? God is for you. He is for us, and if he is for us, what could ever crush us? Join us in this brand new campaign as we explore Romans 8 together and see how we are so much more than our circumstances, more than our labels, and more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Plan by Megan Gilbert.
