Surviving Dark Seasons: You Are Favored, Not ForgottenSample

Surviving Dark Seasons: You Are Favored, Not Forgotten

DAY 6 OF 7

Crossing the Bridge of Obscurity

 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
James 1:2–4

There are key decision-making opportunities in life which we either approach voluntarily or have them thrust upon us. While wilderness seasons may launch with obedience to God’s calling, the experience once within the cycle becomes unexpected and often filled with struggle. This is where the illustration of bridge-crossing becomes the perfect example for helping you move with enthusiasm along what has been described as God’s crucible.

Every believer will be presented with an opportunity to cross the bridge of obscurity. Obscurity is defined as the state of being unknown, inconspicuous, unimportant, difficult to understand, lack of adequate illumination, not famous, or hidden. 

Perhaps you are crossing this bridge as we speak, or maybe you have already crossed it. Either way, the words in this chapter will ring true. And for those of you who have not yet experienced obscurity, you will—trust us. You see, obscurity is the tool God uses to develop character in our lives that cannot be developed any other way. He uses the dark, hidden places to show us that who we are in Christ is not determined by our activity, our position, our title, or the perception others have of us. To discover who we are in Christ requires that we cross that bridge. 

Crossing the bridge of obscurity is inevitable, so let’s prepare ourselves to understand its value and importance in our lives.

  • Key elements of your character can only be formed through obscurity
  • Obscurity may come when you least expect it
  • Pride and success worsen the sting of obscurity
  • Pursuing contentment is the only way to cross the bridge of obscurity
  • The glory of victory will find you

Crossing the bridge of obscurity is absolutely necessary to our development as trusted leaders. It is only in the “unknown” times that key components of our character can be forged strong so that we are able to bear the weight of future successes. 

Move forward, step-by-step, trusting God’s timing and His methods. Do not try to manipulate the time frame, but rather find contentment knowing that the diamond is formed in the darkness. Embrace the bridge of obscurity and get to know your God. Intimacy with Him is formed in the lonely times, for it’s in the quiet of obscurity that we hear His whisper.


Describe your experiences when it came time to cross a bridge in life that led to the unknown and was also impossible to go backward.


Day 5Day 7

About this Plan

Surviving Dark Seasons: You Are Favored, Not Forgotten

Featured on DayStar Television Network. Feeling abandoned, lost or tossed about? Maybe you even felt like God has hung you out to dry in the desert! God has never been closer to you than now. Learn how to embrace these seasons of preparation for promotion. Learn how to Embrace the Season, Thrive in Obscurity, and Activate your Purpose in this exciting promise from God.
