Breakthrough Miracle Power: A 3-Day Plan by Passion Sample

Breakthrough Miracle Power: A 3-Day Plan by Passion

DAY 3 OF 3


PASSAGE // Ephesians 1:15-22

Few things are more powerful than a tank. In the military, when there’s a tank on your team you know you have the upper hand. In seeing its size, you sense the inherent power. The roar of the engine tells you that the tank will be more than capable to master whatever lies ahead of it. In seeing its explosions that take down enemy walls, the working of its mighty power is perceived. These four words that are used here to describe a tank are the same four words Paul uses in Greek to describe the surpassing great power of the resurrection.

In Ephesians 1, Paul is praying for God’s people. He prays specifically that they would experience intimacy with the Almighty. We’re made to know Christ. As he continues praying, we see that knowing Christ intimately is what leads to experiencing His power fully. When we feel stuck, we’re meant to look to the mighty power of Christ. When there are struggles we can’t overcome, we’re meant to access the working of His great might. When we feel weakest is when it’s most necessary to rely on His strength. His power becomes ours as we enjoy communion with Him.

If you’re needing power in your life, look to Christ. Your best efforts won’t work. Your will won’t last. Your strategies are no match for the powers of the world. Therefore, you need a power that is not of this world. You need the surpassing great power found only in the resurrection. In seeing Christ who was once crucified but is now alive, His inherent power is evident. When viewing His nail-scarred hands and the holes in His feet, His mastery of death and hell is made known. In experiencing the rumbling of the stone rolling away and His bursting from the grave, the working of His power is perceived. This is the surpassing great power that was worked out in the resurrection. This same power is yours in Christ.

This week, when you feel depleted, lean into Him. When there is a temptation you can’t tackle, call on Him. When you don’t feel like you have what it takes, admit that you don’t and rely on His power. Banking on your best efforts in spiritual warfare is like taking water guns into a war zone. We have the ultimate tank on our team: Jesus and the power of His resurrection. This is breakthrough miracle power, and it’s yours in Christ.

Day 2