Hebrews: The Daily Discipline of a Devoted LifeSample

Hebrews: The Daily Discipline of a Devoted Life

DAY 17 OF 26

The German pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer left a huge impact in the concentration camp where he spent his last days. In fact one of his fellow inmates said, ‘I’ve never met a man who was more certain God was listening to him when he prayed.’ Bonhoeffer’s faith in Christ inspired him to know that God was still there in the most godless place on earth. 

Hebrews 11 is the great 'chapter of faith.' It begins with a definition: ‘faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see’ (v. 1). Faith is every way in which our lives display confidence in the unseen plans and power of God. This brief passage makes four great claims about faith. Faith:  

  1. Believes in a creator. ‘By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command’ (v. 3). While it takes faith to believe in a creator, it’s not the kind of blind faith that Richard Dawkins suggests. Scientists tell us about the amazing fine-tuning in our universe. Imagine a giant universe-making machine with six dials, representing six forces like gravity and electromagnetism. Each of those dials have to be placed at exactly the point they are for life to be possible. If they change by a millimetre, life could not exist. Such facts fit well with a Christian worldview that teaches Christ sustains the cosmos by his powerful word. 
  2. Inspires you to worship. Abel’s offering (v. 4) is contrasted to Cain’s because Abel offered his best (the fat) of his flock to God while Cain offered just some of his fruit. Faith leads to wholehearted worship. King David said, ‘I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing’ (2 Sam. 24:24). True worship is costly.  
  3. Stands out from the culture. Enoch (v. 5) appears briefly in the dark passage in Genesis 5 that mentions the lives of various people and finishes with the repeated refrain ‘and then he died’. Enoch stands out in that chapter because we’re simply told he ‘walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away’ (Gen. 5:24). Faith walks with God when the culture is walking in the opposite direction. If you are living by faith, you will be walking against the flow; but God is delighted with those who aren’t looking for popularity, rather, for God’s approval.  
  4. Looks forward to God’s salvation. Noah (v. 7) built a boat for years and warned the people of impending judgement when there was no sign of it. But the day finally came when the ark was closed, the rain fell, the people perished, and believing Noah became king of a brave new world. One day God will bring his final judgement, evil will be destroyed, and we will be kings and queens of a new world.  


If someone analysed your life, would they say you are living by faith? 

Day 16Day 18

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Hebrews: The Daily Discipline of a Devoted Life

Sadly, in the busyness and routine of every day, Jesus can slip from the centre stage of our life. So take some time out, pick up these undated devotions and warm your heart with great truths about Jesus from the book of Hebrews. You’ll be reminded that Jesus is our true saving hero, our rock in the sinking sand and sufficient for all our needs.
