Let God's Love Transform Livesแƒœแƒ˜แƒ›แƒฃแƒจแƒ˜

Let God's Love Transform Lives

DAY 7 OF 7

What does love look like? ๐Ÿ”Žโค๏ธ

Heidi Baker is a living legend who has given her life for the lost, hungry, and abandoned masses of Mozambique. She is also a dear friend of our family. As a public figure and therapist, Iโ€™ve had the privilege of getting to know some of the most famous and successful leaders in business and ministry. Itโ€™s been a thrill and a privilege. Iโ€™ve rarely been disappointed with them because my dad always told me, โ€œAll men bleed red.โ€ They are all very normal people who do extraordinary things. Heidi Baker once said something so simple and profound that it never left me: โ€œLove looks like something.โ€

What does love look like to you?

The Bible says this about love: โ€œโ€˜But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.โ€™โ€ (Luke 6:35, NKJV)

Dr. Gary Chapman once wrote a book about the five love languages. In it, he teaches that love looks different to all of us. To a single mom, it could be a gift of groceries. To a lonely wife, it could be more time with her husband. To a busy dad, it could be helping with the household chores or a simple โ€œI love you.โ€ Love looks like something. The secret of showing love is to โ€œfind out the love language of family and friendsโ€ and speak their languages.

Itโ€™s really not more complicated than taking a little time to listen to those you really care about.

Whatโ€™s your love language? Is it one of the following?

  1. Words of Affirmation
  2. Acts of Service
  3. Quality Time
  4. Gifts
  5. Physical Touch

What are your familyโ€™s love languages? Could you commit to do three loving things every day and watch the impact of love?

Iโ€™m praying you will learn how to identify the love languages of others and speak a new language to transform their lives.

Because youโ€™re a miracle.

And I am your friend, Paul Marc Goulet

P.S. The texts of this reading come from the daily email A Miracle Every Day . If you want to receive an email every day, I invite you to subscribe to A Miracle Every Day . By subscribing, you will receive an E-book!

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Day 6