The Power of the Spoken BlessingSample

The Power of the Spoken Blessing

DAY 6 OF 8

Up until now, we have discovered the power of the spoken blessing as part of God’s original plan to set people up for their purpose while on the Earth. We have also seen what the lack of impartation does to a young person. We determined the role of a father and highlighted the Jewish blessing during Shabbat. Yesterday we revealed the effects of disappointment.

Today is an important day; we are delving into a significant part of stepping into the future: Forgiveness!

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you” – Lewis B. Smedes.

Forgiveness is sometimes defined as a conscious decision to release feelings of resentment towards someone who has harmed you. Forgiveness is not based on whether they deserve your mercy or not. It is also essential to understand what forgiveness is not. When you forgive, you are not denying, condoning, or even excusing the seriousness of the offense committed against you. Forgiveness brings you, as the forgiver, peace of mind and frees you from destructive anger. Forgiveness empowers you to recognize the pain you suffered without letting it define you. Forgiveness enables you to move on with your life and be made whole again.

Forgiving, in this case, does not have to only refer to being abused or neglected as a child, if that does not relate to your upbringing. We are focussing on acknowledging that you had an expectation that your father will emotionally and financially provide for you when he did not or could not do it. This caused frustration and disappointment. Now is your chance to free yourself and your dad or caregiver from the heavy burden of disappointment, to walk into your future as a free person.

Draw closer in Prayer

Today I choose to forgive my dad (or name the male authority figure in your life) and release him unto You, Lord. I want to set him free from the tight grip of false expectations that kept both of us bound. Please forgive me for looking to a natural person as my provider. I speak a blessing over him. Prosper him, Lord, that he may walk a beautiful road with You.

Declare this: “Today, I accept you, Lord, as my Father and Provider. I will not look to any human being ever again for any need that may arise. If the things I desire, do not come from You, may I never have it! I promise to pursue your Kingdom first.” Amen!

Call to action: If your father is alive, why not reach out to him in person or via telephone. Testify to him about this journey of discovery and that you want to forgive him and bless him. I trust that your relationship will go to new heights.

Day 5Day 7

About this Plan

The Power of the Spoken Blessing

The spoken blessing refers to the fact that our words carry power. When someone speaks positive words (of blessing) over you – at your birthday party, for example – it is far more than mere well-wishes. The spoken blessing carries such immense power; it triggers a supernatural release of identity, purpose, and direction for abundant life
