The Missing Link Series: From Overwhelm to PeaceSample

The Missing Link Series: From Overwhelm to Peace

DAY 3 OF 3

John 14: 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” 

John 14, is a comforting bed of scriptures. Jesus is offering some comforting words to his disciples who are grieving the reality of their Savior having to die. Loss of a loved one is hard enough, but what about the moments leading up to their death. We are never really prepared whether we see it coming or not. I would imagine the disciples felt the weight, sorrow, and thought of losing someone they love too.

Through that whole chapter, Jesus offers comfort at a whole new level. By verse 27, He tells the disciples, I’m leaving you peace and not just any peace-His peace. Some may argue that they find peace in smoking, drinking, and relaxing for the evening, but Jesus makes a distinction-His peace. Don’t worry, He continues to explain. “ Not as the world gives you.” Not the kind you find in the world, but a peace that passes all understanding.

This is powerful and encouraging because, at the end of the day after we have tried everything else, God’s peace is the only peace that sustains us and lasts. Our hearts do not have to be troubled when we have the God kind of peace.

My biological father was an alcoholic and one day in a conversation with him, he said, “Son, I drink to escape my problems. The only problem with that is, once I’m sober, my problems are still there.” In his drunken stupor, my biological dad was speaking about false peace. Not the peace that would really help you overcome feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Not the peace that would release or relieve you of life’s pressures. A peace that would be counterfeit and temporary to the peace God Himself offers.

For us to experience the peace that Jesus was referring to-His peace, we have to be willing to let go of anything counterfeit to that experience. We have to release the things that are not working for us now and in the future. Yes, it takes courage, but more importantly, it takes us believing and agreeing with God.

Overwhelmed...want peace...let go and let God show you His version.

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Day 2

About this Plan

The Missing Link Series: From Overwhelm to Peace

For us to experience the peace that Jesus was referring to, His peace, we have to be willing to let go of anything counterfeit to that experience. In this devotional we will learn how to exchange- feeling overwhelmed with the peace that God promises.
