Doing Business With God: Building a Successful Kingdom BusinessSample

Doing Business With God: Building a Successful Kingdom Business

DAY 1 OF 6

Vision Check

Day 1: Clear Vision Begins with God

God created perfect optical/ocular vision and perfect spiritual vision God created your eyes to see the way He sees, but we know that no eye has seen, and no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him. You are a thread in the grand tapestry of God’s design. We are clay meant to be molded and shaped into God’s image.  The shape of the eye and the lens can affect how we see.  Your eye was shaped and designed for optimal vision. Considering He created us, doesn’t He have a right to choose the purpose that He has for us? If that is the case, are we yielding to what He wants for our lives? When we allow Him to shape and mold us like clay, we fulfill our optimal purpose in life.

Sometimes we can fall into the habit of separating the vision we have for our business from the vision God has for it. Even corporations whose mission and values are guided by biblical principles can get off track when it comes to the day to day management. Our vision can get blurry and we can get off track from where God intended us to be. Over the course of the next few days, check your personal and professional vision to see if they are in alignment with God's vision for you.

Day 2

About this Plan

Doing Business With God: Building a Successful Kingdom Business

God has created us with the gift of perfect vision, both physically and spiritually. But maybe you feel the vision you had for your business or ministry has died. What do we do with this? We look to the giver of dreams. This devotional takes you through a vision check, helps diagnose vision problems, and provides corrective lenses to see clearly what God has for you.
