What Is Truth?Sample

What Is Truth?

DAY 1 OF 7

What Is Truth?

Do you ever wonder where the truth is? With all the fake news and different opinions, it seems like each side has their own version of truth and idea of what we should believe. It can be frustrating, scary, and confusing to navigate all the supposed facts we are constantly bombarded with.

Pilate, the Roman governor who questioned Jesus at His trial, felt this tension and in exasperation exclaimed, “What is truth?” 

What he didn’t realize was that he was literally staring Truth in the face. See, Jesus, in John 14:6, claims to be the way, the truth, and the life.  Meaning truth is not just a “what,” but a “who.” Truth has a name and a face, and that name is Jesus. 

How can Jesus so boldly claim to be the Truth? Well, truth is defined as that which is consistent with the original or with reality. In John 1, we read:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. John 1:1-2 NIV 

What does this mean? Jesus was with God in the beginning, and He is God! So, Jesus, more than anyone or anything else, is consistent with the Original, because He is the Original! He was there from the very beginning. 

So, because truth is tied to the person of Jesus, there are some things we can know for sure. First, that truth is not relative. It’s relational. Meaning, we know what is true based on our relationship with the One who is Truth. In other words, truth is not whatever we want it to be or based on how we feel or even what culture says at any given moment. Truth is rooted in Jesus, who invites us into a relationship with Him. We can know Truth because we can know Jesus.

Challenge: Step one to discovering truth in this world is forming a relationship with Jesus, the Original. How can you take a step to build or strengthen your relationship with Him today? Answer this question in the form of a prayer. Ask Jesus to meet you right where you are over the next few days.

Day 2

About this Plan

What Is Truth?

Is it my truth or the truth? What happens when those two conflict? How can we know if something is actually true or not? Join us the next seven days as we consider the idea that truth is not an abstract concept—it’s a real person. A person with a name and a face. A person who is relational, unchanging, life-giving, and infinitely loving. A person named Jesus.
