The Man God Made You to Be Sample

The Man God Made You to Be

DAY 3 OF 4

Day 3 - Healthy Habits

I enjoy playing video games. I know a lot of men who do. It is something that relaxes me and feeds some of my competitive drive. The problem is that it can easily become addicting. I remember one day I was playing a game. I had two kids at the time. Both of them wanted to play with me but I couldn’t because “dad needed to level up!” It dawned on me at that time that this game had become an unhealthy habit. I sold my game console. That was the “way out” God showed me.  

Which of your habits have become unhealthy? It could be what you eat or drink, what you watch, what you think about others, working out too little or too much, substance abuse, work, sports, gambling, or sex. Whatever it is, if it has become an unhealthy habit, then it needs to stop. When it is unhealthy it has become a crutch used to make you feel better about yourself. We want to feel powerful and successful so we pour our heart and soul into something that will give us that feeling. The more of it we have, the more we want, until the point that something which was meant to be used in moderation offering us positive results becomes destructive.  

Nothing should wield that kind of control in our lives but Jesus. We all are tempted, but when we look for a way out, He will provide it. Acknowledging that something has gotten out of control and you need help is a move in the right direction. Doing this is agreeing with Scripture that you can stand up to the temptation rather than being controlled by it. By doing this, you start creating new habits that rewire and help eliminate the desire for what was unhealthy. Sometimes these habits require professional help to overcome. Other times, it means completely removing the habit from your life. 

What unhealthy habit do you need to remove? Don’t waste any more time. Start getting healthy today.

  1. What is one good habit that has become unhealthy for you?  
  2. What habit needs to be completely removed from your life?
  3. Do you need to seek professional help for any of your habits?
Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

The Man God Made You to Be

In this 4-day plan, Colby Taylor addresses some of the major barriers that keep men from being the man they want to be, and gives you practical steps to become the man God made you to be. We believe in you. We want you to take steps to be the man God made you to be. It all starts today!
