Better, Faster, Stronger FaithSample

Better, Faster, Stronger Faith

DAY 1 OF 7

I can't think of a time in life when the answer hasn't been "it's time to grow your faith," whether you're in a dry spell and feeling like God isn't around, or in an exciting time when you need to trust the unseen hand of God more than ever before!

The answer has never been "well, you could probably do with less Jesus right now." 

'Jesus is the answer' isn't a cop-out; it's the truth! We need more of Him, more clearly and more closely than ever before. But, the answer presents a question: HOW?? 

If we're viewing life and God too narrowly, we'll find that we're fighting one fight while another is right around the corner. What we need in changing times of life is a DIFFERENT strength. We need to commit to spiritual growth, to grow in faith and trust; not relying on ourselves to get to a certain point by our own strength, but to seek God's will to go forward to the next level that He has for us.

There are 4 areas you can work on to grow your faith. If you start trusting God for His guidance, your faith will grow better, faster and stronger! The question is, do you want to know who God is and who He says you are?


The more we read the Bible; learning about God's character, reading stories of others in crises of faith, in victories, sin, and doubt; the more we learn who God is. In all of this you'll quickly see that God is Someone to get to KNOW. To know God more, read His Bible; write down your thoughts, questions and notes, and take those to Him in prayer. He will be with you as you sincerely seek to know Him more.


Freedom is found in the truth. We've got to be able to remove the mask of 'everything is fine' to get to the bottom of what God wants for us. Seek guidance from people who will encourage you to be the REAL YOU.

At Highlands, we have Small Groups for this - groups of friends who get together to help each other grow closer to Jesus. This isn't just shallow head knowledge. People don't come to just complain and force sadness. This is building a house brick by brick, in the quiet moments of listening to the Holy Spirit tell us where our freedom needs to be. We can't force freedom in our own lives or in the lives of others. Share and talk to others for encouragement, and listen to the Spirit. 


Use your gifts - God has given them to you for a reason. If you think God's gifts are only for the spiritual moments in life, then you need to view everything as spiritual! Everything, down to your weirdest quirks and hobbies are gifts from God that reveal your purpose on earth. To discover purpose - invite God into the every day of your life by reading His Bible and spending time in prayer.


This one is a deal breaker and 10/10 the thing stopping your faith from growing. People say "God won't give you what you can't handle." I believe God won't give you what you don't NEED. If you aren't willing to take a leap of faith into the scary and unknown where God is calling you to go, why would He give you the faith if you're not going to use it? 

To grow your faith, MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Ask God where He wants you to go and be an example of Jesus. It will be out of your comfort zone, but these are the biggest moments God will grow your faith, because you will need Him and only Him.

God has more for you. Stop chasing what you think you need for now; focus on chasing God Himself. He wants to help you grow, and if you are following Him wherever He takes you, growth is unavoidable.

If you're sick of the same, try something different. Give more and more to God and watch Him turn your life upside down for the better.

Day 2

About this Plan

Better, Faster, Stronger Faith

How can we grow our faith? When we grow closer to God we can be better, faster and stronger in everything that we do. A greater faith leads to a greater life.
