Success Strategies That Work!Sample

Success Strategies That Work!

DAY 2 OF 5

The Right Mind

In order to thrive and be successful in life in line with God’s unique plan and purpose, you cannot afford to think the way the world thinks. You must have a renewed mind and a godly mindset. You must have the mind of Christ, from which success is born.

It is very easy to get lost in the world and be overcome by its worries and troubles. The world is an influential place to which the flesh is ready to conform. The teachings and cultures of the world will press you to be moved by your feelings, by the negative happenings and realities, by the things that you can see and witness daily, by the bad news that it so eagerly pumps out . . . and all of these condition your mind and conform you to the world.

No wonder Paul said that we should not be conformed to the world but be transformed by a renewal of the mind. 

Why is this necessary?

Well, for starters, God’s ways are not our ways. His way of doing things differ majorly from the way the world does things; for example, God’s way teaches, and a godly mindset understands that:

  • God is a spirit and man is a spiritfirst!
  • The spirit and the flesh are constantly at war.
  • The spirit seeks to please God, and the flesh seeks to please the world.
  • We walk by faith and not by sight; so believing is seeing and not the other way around.
  • The first will be last and the last first.
  • The quickest way up is to get down on your knees.
  • God must increase in prominence in my life, and I (the desires of the flesh) decrease significantly.
  • Humility is better than pride.

. . . and so on!

The AMP version gives us a hint of how we can have a renewed mindset, “focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes” and as you continue to read Romans 12, it becomes clearer how this can be achieved, and how we can have a renewed mind which results in a success mindset.

Those who are successful in life think differently from the way those who are not successful think. As a life coach, I often assign my clients and mentees to do a mind analysis and evaluation, and it will shock you what the mind contains. Remember that as a man thinks in his heart so is he; therefore, if you want to be successful, you must think like a successful person; you must have a renewed mind which ultimately is the mind of Christ.

Paul gives us a clue on the things that our minds should be occupied with. Read Phil 4:6-8 and answer the following questions:

  • What true things are you thinking about? 
  • What honorable and right things are you thinking about?
  • What things pure and lovely are you thinking about?
  • What admirable things are you thinking about?
  • What excellent and praiseworthy things are you thinking about?

As you write these things down, ponder on which areas of your life need a change and how you can influence your thoughts by the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray about these things. Write down what God speaks to your heart. Now read Philippians 4:9 and remember that a success mindset is strengthened and developed when you put these things into practice.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Success Strategies That Work!

You are designed to live a life of success by God's standard. In a world where all that glitters purports to be gold, you need to stand out and live a life which both honors God and attracts others to Him. In this devotional, you will learn biblical strategies for successful living with God, which in turn encourages you to leave a fruitful legacy for generations to come.
