Made To Shine: Enjoy & Reflect God's LightSample

Made To Shine: Enjoy & Reflect God's Light

DAY 7 OF 10

Much to Discuss

She sat across from her mentor at their favorite Mexican restaurant, not realizing that it would be their last time together on this side of eternity. She knew that her mentor had not been feeling well and gave her the option to reschedule their lunch, but the generous mentor wouldn’t think of it. She assured her friend that she was well enough to meet. “And besides,” she said, “there is much to discuss.”

And indeed there was much to discuss! Even though she couldn’t have known for certain, the mentor spoke as if her time was short, dispensing as much advice as she could in a two-hour time span.

When she received word the next week that her mentor had passed from this life and gone to be with Jesus, her heart was broken, but she also praised God for the time that He had given her with this extraordinary, light-shining woman.

What a blessing it is to have wise mentors who can speak life into us, but we mustn’t forget that we have access to the same revelation-light that they do. God beckons us to come and open His Word, whispering to our souls that there is much to discuss. 

In Psalm 119:130 (TPT), we read,

Break open Your word within me until revelation-light shines out! Those with open hearts are given insight into Your plans.

And as we come with open hearts, what we find is that He gives us divine insight into His plans for our lives, downloading as much advice and knowledge as we can handle in a short amount of time.

As we keep coming back day after day and growing in His Word, we may just find ourselves sitting as a wise mentor for another, letting His revelation-light shine out of us. After all, there is much to discuss.

O Lord, let us be women who break open Your Word on a daily basis so that we can be given insight into Your plans for our lives. We desire to be women who shine with Your revelation-light!


Day 6Day 8

About this Plan

Made To Shine: Enjoy & Reflect God's Light

Made to Shine is based on Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 5:16 to reflect the light of Jesus in all that we do. Focusing on key Scriptures that associate light with the character and person of Christ, the ten devotions for women in this uplifting plan are meant to empower YOU to creatively carry His light wherever YOU go.
