Amazing GraceSample

Amazing Grace

DAY 4 OF 11


Rich in Mercy

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us… (Ephesians 2:4, ESV).

There are three key words in today’s text. 

· Rich = More than enough; plenty. 

· Mercy = Kindness motivated by another’s need. 

· Love = Unconditional; totally for the benefit of others. 

These all illustrate God’s attitude towards us. They are already ours in Christ. We don’t have to plead for them. Rather we thank God for them. He has already bestowed them on us through Christ. 

Here is a hymn about mercy that I wrote not long ago. A suggestion: Why not read it aloud? (Perhaps more than once.) It’ll mean a lot more. 

I lift my eyes to heaven above,

enraptured by the Saviour’s love;

I see the nail scars in his hands

and so I know he understands;

I give him thanks and grateful praise

and yearn to serve him all my days.

No other god would stoop so low

for sinners steeped in guilt and woe;

his blood ran down on Calvary’s cross—

our glorious gain; his gracious loss.

He took the law’s unbending curse

to save a fallen universe.

His love has banished all my fears;

my heart responds with joyful tears.

I worship him with bended knee

in unabashed humility

and I am found in heavenly realms

by loving-kindness overwhelmed.

What kind of mercy could this be

That Christ should give his life for me?

What kind of mercy could this be?

For time and all eternity!

What next?

1. Which phrase or word(s) in the verses above best reflect the nature of God’s mercy to you personally? Why?

2. What do you think is the meaning of the phrase ‘law’s unbending curse’? Gal 3:10-14 may help here.

3. Why does Paul say that God is ‘rich’ in mercy? (See Titus 3:4-6).


Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace. Almost everyone knows the phrase. But what does it mean? What is grace and why is it so amazing? In this Bible Plan, Australian author and teacher Dr Barry Chant opens up what the Bible says about it in the letter to the Ephesians. This Plan follows on from The Unsearchable Riches of Christ and See the Invisible: Do the Impossible. Read on and be amazed.
