Overcome Porn: The 40 Day ChallengeSample

Overcome Porn: The 40 Day Challenge

DAY 9 OF 40

The craving for pornography can seem overwhelming. Over the past few days, you learned there is a neurological reason for this. Watching pornography lays down new neuro-pathways in our brains. The more pornography a person looks at, the more severe the damage to their brain becomes and the more difficult it is to break free. 

However, damage to the brain can be undone when someone gets away from unhealthy behaviors. A two-pronged attack is needed: (1) starve the old neural pathways, and (2) build and feed new ones, increasing dopamine levels in a way that build up the prefrontal cortex.

1. Starve

Don’t give into the urge to look at porn. As your brain is given plenty of time to rest, your willpower will be strengthened over time.Here are some helpful tips for starving porn cravings:

  • Identify and avoid triggers. Sometimes these are external, like a certain channel on TV. Sometimes they’re emotions (loneliness, anger, etc.). Completely avoid triggers when possible, and create an escape plan for them when unavoidable.
  • Avoid seemingly unimportant decisions. These rationalizations get you one step closer to porn. “I’m just going to see what’s on TV.” “I’m just going to get on Facebook.” Be ruthless against these rationalizations.
  • Avoid inactivity. Fill up your social calendar to the brim. Refuse to give yourself an open window.
  • Destroy fantasies. As a fantasy or thought enters your mind, picture the image being eliminated. Draw a red X over it. Smash it with a hammer. 
  • Redirection. When you feel the urge, get into the habit of distracting yourself with another activity that you can start immediately.

2. Feed

  • Much like a muscle, the more you exercise the prefrontal cortex, the stronger it becomes. The goal is to engage in new habits that will increase your dopamine and dopamine receptors.
  • Meditate. Making a habit of meditation has been shown to increase dopamine release up to 65%. Even after only 11 hours of meditation spread over a month, changes are observable. 
  • Exercise. Aerobic exercise has been shown to increase dopamine receptors and decrease cravings for those bound in addiction.
  • Socialize. Porn is an anti-social habit. By spending quality time with real people, you will establish new neural pathways of pleasure.


  • What’s one way you can begin to starve porn cravings?
  • What’s one way you can begin to feed your brain?
Day 8Day 10