Hide This in Your Heart: Memorizing Scripture for Kingdom Impact Sample

Hide This in Your Heart: Memorizing Scripture for Kingdom Impact

DAY 5 OF 5

Sent by God to Everywhere Life Takes Us

You may not feel like a missionary, but God has sent you out into the world to declare his gospel and show his love. We need to see ourselves as sent by God to everywhere life takes us. We’d like you to journal throughout the week all the ways you alerted others to the universal reign of God through Christ. This habit is about being missional.

Jesus invites us to live in a way that proclaims the gospel and that alerts others to God’s reign of reconciliation, justice, beauty, and wholeness. We don’t have our own mission, and we don’t do mission in our own strength. It is God’s mission. And he gives us power in the Holy Spirit to be “witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). 

Memorize: Matthew 28:18–20


Grant us the grace to be unusual and weird:

To resist being molded by the world,

to refuse complacency,

to see the world differently than the world sees itself,

to be eccentric―off center, unique, different, and unconventional,

to not conform to the patterns of the world

but to be transformed by the renewal of our minds.

Help us to be dissatisfied by sin and conformity to the world.

Enable us to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.

Grant us the strength and courage to resist the allure of acceptability,

to get back to the unsafe roots of our faith.

To be equipped to surprise the world with the Good News of Jesus.

To challenge the way things are

by living a life that has been truly set free by Christ.

Give us boldness to keep Christianity weird and to be transformed nonconformists,

through Jesus Christ our Lord,



We hope this plan encouraged and inspired you. Read more about Bible memorization in Michael Frost’s and Graham Joseph Hill’s book, Hide This in Your Heart: Memorizing Scripture for Kingdom Impact. 

Day 4

About this Plan

Hide This in Your Heart: Memorizing Scripture for Kingdom Impact

Bible memorization can transform our lives. The words of the Bible enable us to live out God’s compassion, justice, and mercy. Those who memorize passages from the Bible find greater assurance of God’s love and a deeper understanding of how to follow Jesus. The Bible helps us live like Jesus. Join Michael Frost and Graham Joseph Hill on a five-day journey of diving into God’s Word.
