The Dream Team for KidsSample

The Dream Team for Kids

DAY 7 OF 8

Mary (Mother of Jesus)


“'See, I am the Lord’s servant', said Mary. 'May it happen to me as you have said.' Then the angel left her." Luke 1:38 NLT


When most people hear the name Mary, they are reminded of Jesus’ mother—the young, engaged woman chosen by God to carry the Savior of the world. Every Christmas we hear her story of humility and grace as she carried baby Jesus. The more I read God’s Word and learn about Mary, the more I am challenged and encouraged to live life with more obedience.

What surprises me most is that after an angel spoke to her and told her she was going to have a baby who would rescue the entire world, she replied without a bit of doubt, “May it happen,” she said. I would love to think that I would say the same thing. I love and trust God, but a surprise like that would make me wonder. Excuses make it easy for us to put things off, but Mary didn’t reply to the angel with any excuses. Her heart was so connected to God that she was immediately obedient.

Because of her faithfulness, God prepared her for her new role and blessed her along the way. God calls us to be obedient to Him; He knows all the plans He has for us. When we choose to be obedient, God prepares us for the road ahead and promises to bless us too.


  1. Is your relationship with God based on obedience to Him?
  2. Has there been a time you said no to God and regretted it?
  3. How can you practice obedience to God on a daily basis?


  • Jeremiah 29:11
  • Psalm 119:30
  • John 14:23


“Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of Mary and her faithfulness and obedience to You, thank You that I can fully trust in You and Your plan for me. I pray that You would help me to get rid of any doubt or fear I have that holds me back and help me say yes when you call me. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.” 

Claire Matera


Day 6Day 8

About this Plan

The Dream Team for Kids

Do you have a favorite pro athlete? These athletes represent the best in their sport and we dream to be like them. But when we read our Bible, we can learn about the people who were a part of the greatest team ever—God’s Team. When we read their stories, we can learn how to be all in for God. We can learn how to be great competitors for Christ!
