Spiritual Fruit on and Off the FieldSample

Spiritual Fruit on and Off the Field

DAY 3 OF 5

Day 3: Patience and Kindness


“Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” – Ephesians 4:32 NLT



Are you a patient person? When you’re learning a new play and your teammate doesn’t quite understand it yet, do you roll your eyes and get frustrated, or do you give grace and offer to go over it again? What is God’s perspective? He’s patient with us. In our spiritual journey there is often much we can’t quite grasp. But God willingly helps us along the way, never tiring of teaching us until His Word connects within our hearts.

Patience is a confident calm, because we know God is at work. We rest in that truth as we extend patience to a player who may have a little more energy and enthusiasm than we’re used to, or when we’re not getting the playing time we think we deserve. Watch what’s around you. See who’s around you. Does a teammate need to know it’s OK that she or he hasn’t yet mastered the play? Is there something you can do thank your coach for all the effort he or she’s putting into the season? When we turn our eyes towards God and ask Him to fill us with His patience, our focus realigns and we see others more clearly.


Kindness is a quality that chooses to be considerate and friendly. It’s an openness to stepping into the world of someone else and seeing with their eyes, feeling what they experience. It’s reaching a hand down to help another up. If we want to see kindness grow in our lives, we must let the kindness of Jesus dwell in our hearts. How was Christ kind? He broke down social barriers and bent close to the brokenhearted. He touched those who no one would. And He came not to condemn, but to save through grace.

Sometimes when we extend kindness, it catches people off guard. They aren’t used to a soft word or an easy smile. They aren’t used to a listening ear or a thoughtful act. But that’s the great surprise—when we give from a gracious heart, we turn the world upside down! So be on the lookout for a friend or stranger who could use a little kindness. Try filling up the team water bottles before practice, or taking some extra time to talk to the team managers and thank them for their commitment. You may be surprised by not only how they react, but how it lights you up inside, too.


1. What situations really test your patience?

2. How can you extend kindness to those who aren’t always kind to you?

3. Memorize a Bible verse on God’s patience or kindness. 


1 Corinthians 13:4-5; James 5:7-8; 1 Peter 3:9


“Patience and kindness go deep into the heart. They are beautiful examples of a life lived in harmony with Jesus. Lord, will You make me more like You? Will you produce in me Your patience and kindness, and give me eyes to see those around me as You do? I am willing, Lord. Keep my heart open to Your truth. Amen.” 

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Spiritual Fruit on and Off the Field

This five-day reading plan walks through the Fruit of the Spirit and encourages coaches and athletes to discover ways to demonstrate them to their teammates, friends and family.
