The Unseen Hand of God in Our LivesSample

The Unseen Hand of God in Our Lives

DAY 10 OF 10

Remember to Celebrate

What a story. I am sure the narrative of Esther has left you astonished that a drama such as this took place in the pages of our Bibles. 

Eugene Peterson writes: Story doesnʼt just tell us something and leave it there, it invites our participation. A good storyteller gathers us into the story.

I hope you have been able to see yourself in the story; to see the unseen hand of God taking you through all the situations that you have gone through so far in your life. 

In Chapter 9:20-28, we find the Feast of Purim becoming official, as recorded by Mordecai. Mordecai also sent out letters to celebrate this day annually.

When all the killing of enemies was over, the Jews celebrated with a day of feasting. The Book of Esther is still read aloud during “Purim”, and the congregation shouts and boos whenever Haman is mentioned in order to drown out his name.

When you study the Old Testament people, you find that rememberance was a big deal.

• They set up a pile of rocks called Ebenezer to remember a military victory.

• They celebrated the feast of Tabernacles to remember their time living in tents in the wilderness.

• The Passover was celebrated to remember when the angel of death passed them over.

Have you set up any days of celebration in your life? Set up memorials for celebrations? Do not allow the joy of your salvation to fade.

Purim was not a command, but an invitation. You are invited to celebrate the faithfulness of God, celebrate the victory that is in Christ Jesus. You can choose a life of joy. Tough times will be a part of your life, sickness will be real, heartache is part of the ebb and flow. Yet to recognize the faithfulness of God and celebrate the victory that is ours in Christ Jesus is a gift.  

God wants us to remember that the cross was meant to be a tragedy, but it turned out to be a triumph. Jesus gave us a perpetual memorial so that we would never forget. It is called communion.

God wants us to remember and celebrate. In 1 Peter 1:12 we read, “For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth.”

Life is often a complex mixture of fear and sadness on the one hand, and joy and celebration on the other. We must be careful not to let the hard times rob us of the rightful opportunity to celebrate the good times.

When God seems absent in your life, keep trusting Him to do what He has promised. If you remain humble and dependent upon Him, dying to self and living for Him (Gal 2:20), He will raise you up and bring honor to you as only He can.

As the Psalmist said: Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. (Psa 103:2-5)

Quote: "In order to have perspective, we must have monuments and memorials, places to return to and learn from and talk about and pass on. If we don't, we are destined to live rootless, fast-lane lives without much significance and all-too-seldom celebrations." – Charles Swindoll

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for your faithfulness in my life. Help me to look back on your unseen hand in my life and celebrate. Amen 


Day 9

About this Plan

The Unseen Hand of God in Our Lives

The book of Esther is unique because the word ‘God’ does not appear in it at all. But what is even more fascinating is that we see the unseen hand of God in every chapter. This devotional will help you to see God’s fingerprints in events that have happened in your life which will cause you to celebrate His goodness and faithfulness.
