5 Keys To a Glorious Prayer LifeSample

5 Keys To a Glorious Prayer Life

DAY 6 OF 6

Day 6: Lord, Make Me an Intercessor!

Beloved friend, have you ever wept before the Lord as you prayed with love and passion for someone else's need? If not, do you want to be able to pray with that much passion?

I believe you do, for you would not be reading this Bible Plan if you didn't! So today, I am thrilled to share the fifth key to a glorious prayer life with you: the key of becoming an intercessor.

Intercession means, very simply, to lift up someone else's need to the Lord in prayer. It's not a mild, calm lifting-up, though. The literal meaning of the word for "intercession" in Hebrew denotes a powerful, insistent pounding type of prayer.

Jesus was (and still is) our Intercessor, and you will never be more like Jesus than when you intercede for someone else.

Jesus Christ came to earth, lived, died, and rose again as the Great Intercessor for mankind. He gave His life as a ransom for many. And because we are all called to be like Jesus, we are ALL called to become intercessors. 

That's right: YOU are called to be an intercessor, and intercession is incredibly fulfilling. 

Intercession will conform you to the image of Christ. Intercession will bring the glory of God down on you every time. And because the Holy Spirit is our Advocate (which means "Intercessor"), intercession is one of His favorite things to do. He LOVES to help you intercede for others in prayer!

So do you want to be an intercessor? Do you want to shake Heaven and earth on behalf of others in need? Do you want to be able to pray for your spouse, children, friends, loved ones, co-workers, and even for your nation—and get results every time?

If so, then pray this: 

"Heavenly Father, I come before You in Jesus' name. I love You, Father God. Thank You for loving me and saving me.

Father, I know You sent Jesus to earth to become an intercessor for me. And Your Word says that Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25). 

Father, I desire to become just like Jesus in every way. I want to conform to the image of Christ. I want to look like Jesus, smell like Jesus, talk like Jesus, act like Jesus, and live like Jesus. I desire earnestly that Christ would be formed in me. 

Abba Father, I want Jesus to receive His full inheritance (Isaiah 53:11-12).

Jesus suffered so much, Lord, and I could never thank Him enough. But I do want to serve You as much as I can, Father, to help bring Jesus everything He bought and paid for with His blood.

So Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask right now that You would make me an intercessor:

  • Fling me out as a laborer into Your harvest fields of intercession. 
  • Teach me how to intercede. 
  • Make me an intercessor like You desire me to be. 
  • Show me how to pray. 
  • Teach me how to see people the way You see them. Help me to love them the way You love them.
  • Give me Your eyes, Your words, and Your heart in every situation. 
  • Use me to help bring Jesus more of His inheritance. 

Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering my prayer. I give You all the praise and all the glory. In Jesus' name, amen."

My friend, as an intercessor, you are a laborer in God's harvest field.

Our Lord needs all the laborers He can get! Therefore, He will always say "YES!" if you ask Him to make you an intercessor. Because intercession conforms you to His very nature AND accomplishes His will on the earth, intercession IS His will for every man, woman, and child.

Beloved, in this Bible Plan, we have covered five major keys to building a powerful, GLORIOUS prayer life.

These keys and prayers are simple, but so effective. These are the five prayers I prayed, asking God to build my prayer life. They are the five prayers that God has used to transform both my character, my ability to pray, and my effectiveness in His Kingdom. 

They are five prayers God will answer to transform your prayer life too.

If you will pray these simple prayers and ask for Father's help, He will fill your life AND your prayers with His glory.

I'll finish with this parting Scripture: 

“Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. 

The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this" (Isaiah 9:7, emphasis mine). 

Building a glorious prayer life is really all about increasing the government of God on the earth.

Ask God for help with your prayer life, and He will answer you. He'll increase His Kingdom and glory in your life because He wants Jesus to be glorified! He wants to see you become a radical disciple of Christ, and He longs to use you as a son or daughter who labors on His behalf in the Kingdom.

Was this Plan helpful? Explore other prayer resources by Jamie Rohrbaugh on FromHisPresence.com.

Day 5

About this Plan

5 Keys To a Glorious Prayer Life

Do you want to build a powerful prayer life, but you’re not sure how to begin? If so, this Bible Plan will give you 5 keys you need to build a glorious prayer life filled with supernatural encounters with God.
