Thirty Days of Thanksgiving and Worship Sample

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving and Worship

DAY 1 OF 30

Let's Begin...

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
Romans 12:1

As we embark upon this journey of thanksgiving, praise, and worship through God’s Word, let’s begin at the beginning.


Yes, surrender is the ultimate act of worship and gratefulness.

And surrender is where we find our true selves – who we were meant to be from the hand Who so lovingly created us. Really. When we lose ourselves to Him, we find life at its fullest, most satisfying, and most complete.

So, you see, we can sing all the songs, raise our hands, and shout praise all we want but real rubber meets the road when we allow the Holy Spirit to pour out our small, selfish, limited lives for HIS large, love beyond reason, priceless, and boundless adventure for us. Because surrender means we trust Him, and when we trust Jesus, we worship with all our being.

From Genesis to Revelation, we discover that the Almighty, Who flung the galaxies into existence like glitter from His hand, ever and only wants – our hearts. He desires us to desire Him and there is no greater act of love and honor we can bestow our heavenly Father than the gift of ourselves.

So, let’s do this thing. This thing that so often trips us up, is so much easier said than done at first, and requires every ounce of our being. Let’s offer our lives to the One Who holds every detail that concerns us in the tenderness of His heart. Let’s surrender everything to Jesus. Let’s worship Him by giving Him our all.

From the interactive devotional: Thirty Days of Thanksgiving, by Sue Boldt

Day 2

About this Plan

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving and Worship

Need some refreshment or joy right now? Join Sue Boldt on a month-long journey of adoration that will position us into God's presence and power. We will encounter Jesus as we take a more in-depth look at what the Bible says about a life of thanks-living. And we will broaden our understanding of worship in our daily walk that He so richly deserves.
