Refined - Finding Joy in the Midst of the FireSample

Refined - Finding Joy in the Midst of the Fire

DAY 3 OF 30

It is utterly and critically necessary that you know who God is, because man fell when he lost his right concept of God. If you do not embrace a correct definition of who God is, you may fall into depression, bitterness, and sin following the devastation of a trial. You may fall into losing hope, losing direction, and perhaps even losing faith if you don’t know Him in all of His fullness and goodness.

The next time you find yourself in the direct path of a searing fire of life, you need to recognize who God is and glorify Him as such! The Psalmist was declaring resounding, irrefutable and eternal truth to all generations when he stated: “I have no good besides You, [O Lord].”—Psalm 16:2

Everything good that we experience during life on Earth is conceived in the goodness of God the Father. There is nowhere else for goodness to possibly generate than from the Author and Creator of goodness himself, God.

There is nothing good that exists that has not directly had its conception in the heart of God, who is good all the time. God is the final standard of all that is good; everything that God is and does is worthy of our human approval. It is impossible for God to be anything if He is not that attribute completely. There is no bad in God . . . He is all good . . . all the time.

If God is, indeed, good, and He is … then He is infinitely, perpetually, boundlessly, and altogether good.

If God is, indeed, merciful, and He is … then He is infinitely, perpetually, boundlessly, and altogether merciful.

If God is, indeed, loving, and He is … then He is infinitely, perpetually, boundlessly, and altogether loving.

If God is, indeed, kind, and He is, then He is infinitely, perpetually, boundlessly, and altogether kind.

It is possible for a light to be bright but not “infinitely” bright, because one single light does not possess all the brightness that exists. It is possible for the tallest mountain to be tall but it is not “infinitely” tall, because one single mountain does not contain all the tallness that exists. But God is infinitely good, and there is no boundary around His goodness. Any molecule of goodness that has ever existed in all of creation has come from God.

God is perfectly good, and that is good news for you! Actually, it is great news for you! God never has a bad thought about you because He is infinitely good and there is no bad in Him! Think about it! God is never worried about you a single day your life! He thinks good thoughts about you every minute of every day!
Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Refined - Finding Joy in the Midst of the Fire

Our God provides comfort and encouragement for people who are broken and disappointed with the circumstances and events of life. Through biblical, practical, helpful, and hopeful insights, this devotional will help you find joy when your world is falling apart. Regardless of what you are facing today, know that you are never alone, the Bible holds significant answers for you in your pain, and the God of the universe loves you!
