Day #12 - # Salvation
We are saved by grace. It is an undeserved gift that you need only accept. There is nothing you can do to earn it. The good we do is only a consequence of having accepted the Lord, and that the good God who lives in us works through us.
Just as God found me, and all the other people who have accepted Him as Savior through social networks, He can also find many other people if we use our networks correctly.
If the statistics I mention at the beginning of my book continue their course, we would be fast approaching the end of time in the coming years. God is on the internet and on social media, accelerating the Great Commission through them. Remember: God does not have social networks, but he has us to carry his message of salvation to the world.
Today is a good day for you to begin to experience the true happiness that God gives, despite the circumstances you may be experiencing. I invite you if you have not done so, open your heart to Jesus and accept him as your only Savior, as it is the only way to live a life in freedom, free from bondage, and turn your back on sin, to start a new life that points towards eternity.
If you want to accept the Lord Jesus as Savior, I would love to pray for you and celebrate your arrival in the Kingdom of God. Write me a message to: diosenlasredessociales@gmail.com
If you decided to believe in Jesus today, welcome to the family of God! 🙌 Now you are ready to start a relationship with God and share it with others, in all spheres of your life. I invite you to share your new life on your social networks, uploading a photo with the tag #imtheevidenceGSM and #Godinsocialmedia
✅ Godlist™ for Salvation: Would God post, share, or like this?
• Before liking or sharing a post, think: Does this contribute to the salvation of people who do not know Christ?
• Before making a publication, evaluate: Does what I am about to publish provide a means of salvation to others? Am I really opening a door for others to see Christ through me and be saved?
• Before commenting on a publication, consider: What I am going to write, can it result in salvation or condemnation for my neighbor?
👣Steps to follow to find salvation:
• Recognize God as the creator of everything.
• Accept that you are a sinner and that the result of sin is death and separation from God forever. So Christ died for us.
• Repent from your heart and believe in Jesus.
• Accept the gift of salvation and give thanks to God.
o If you don't know how to pray and give your life to the Lord, I share with you a prayer that you can read aloud:
"Beloved Father, I have sinned against you and that separated me from you. I repent with all my heart and want to turn away from my past to direct my life towards you. Forgive me and help me to stay faithful to you. I believe in your Son Jesus who died and rose from the dead, to give me again a hope of eternal life. I wish that Jesus would become my only Savior, from now on. In the name of Jesus. Amen."
To learn more about God in social media, please press here. God in social media is a translation from the Spanish version of the book and Bible reading plan “Dios en las redes sociales”.
About this Plan

This plan will help you understand that sharing God on social media is a blessing. Its author teaches us how life situations give way to the fruit of the Holy Spirit maturing in each one of us believers, so that we can share God correctly in our private life and also in our social media.