

DAY 12 OF 30

“More Than Money”

Can you imagine if you won the lottery? In one second millions of dollars would now belong to you. You would be able to buy whatever you wanted whenever you wanted. Oftentimes, we view money as a good thing – we see it as something that can bring happiness. In other circumstances, we see poor people that have no money and view money as a bad thing. What does Jesus say about money?

After reading this story there are a couple of really big questions. After all, some of us come from families that have money. If it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven, does that make people who have lots of money sinners?

Let’s look at the context of the story.

Jesus was a really smart guy. He knew the difference between what people wanted to hear and what people needed to hear. In this instance, Jesus tells the rich young man to sell everything he had in order to follow Jesus and go to heaven. Jesus said this to the man because he knew that the rich young man worshipped money. It was apparent that money was the young man’s number one thing. Money was the king of his heart.

A loving God created us all, and He desires your heart. Does your heart belong to Jesus or to something else?

- Thank God that He created you and loves you. You are not a mistake. You are his son or daughter whom He loves.
- If you love Jesus, pray today that He would be on your top shelf. Pray that He would be the most important thing – your top priority. Pray that He would be king in your heart.


Day 11Day 13

About this Plan


Anytime a crash occurs everyone involved are impacted and many times forever changed. In the Gospels the same thing happens when people crash into the life of Jesus. Their lives are impacted by his teaching, healing, and love. We want to give you an opportunity for the next 30 days to have your life forever changed by crashing into the life of Jesus by checking out a new story from the Gospels each day.
