DAY 14 OF 14

The Big Rescue

Even before Jonah prayed this prayer of repentance, God was rescuing him. Through the storm and the fish, Jonah was rescued both from his rebellion and from physical danger. Just like us, Jonah was a radically imperfect disciple. Yet even despite Jonah’s wilful rebellion, God’s over-ruling meant it all turned out for good. Jonah did finally go to Nineveh, the city he was told to go and preach in at the beginning of his story. With God’s help, you and I can get on the right path for our lives. What is our Nineveh?

God loved the people of Nineveh and longed to save them. I love the last verse in Jonah: “And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left – and also many animals?” (Jonah 4:11)

Jonah’s story resonates for me. Part of my imperfection is that, like Jonah, I am tempted to go in exactly the opposite direction to where God calls me. Just like you, I need to go to the “Nineveh” that God is calling me to.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank You that You are the great rescuer, who rescues me even when I run the other way. Help me to see my “Nineveh” task, whatever that might be. 


Day 13