Insider - MarkSample

Insider - Mark

DAY 1 OF 16

Text: Mark, chapter 1

Devotional: Personal prayer time often turns out to be pretty boring. This usually happens because we don’t really grasp its purpose and because we rarely have the patience to stay focused. 

In this first chapter, though, we see Jesus Christ, quickly captivating everyone’s attention through His presence and countless miracles. While it is clear that He had power over any illness and any demons, He would never skip His prayer time. On the contrary, He made a priority out of it. This was His recharging station, a time He would seek guidance from God, the Father. 

What a powerful example to all of us! If you look at things this way, don’t you feel like tasting more of such a time?

To think about: Do you have a daily prayer time? Why yes or why not?


Day 2