Becoming a Follower of ChristSample

Becoming a Follower of Christ

DAY 2 OF 5

I Live Apart From God

Hide-and-seek is a game that most children play. But did you know that trying to hide - or to live apart from God - is a common human trait? From the earliest pages in the Bible, it has been hard for mankind to obey and please God. This stubborn attitude, combined with not trusting God is how sin* entered the world. As people become aware that both good and evil exist, they feel shame and try to hide from God - to live apart from Him. Today's video gives some insight into how we try to hide from God, His ways, and His love.

Watch I Live Apart From God

We cannot stay hidden from God. He knows where to find us. When caught we feel shame and try even harder to get away. That is often what sin causes us to feel. Our sins may be obvious, like stealing something, or subtle, such as a hurtful thought. We all sin and come short of how God would want us to live. In truth, we cannot play hide-and-seek with God. He knows; yet He loves us anyway.

God wants no one to live apart from Him.

*Sin is any thought or action that displeases God.

Looking Forward...

Sin does not cause God to turn away from us. Day three will show what God did to overcome sin and provide a way to have a relationship with Him.
Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Becoming a Follower of Christ

This is the most important decision you will ever make. The five days in this plan provide steps to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. Each day use a short video as the basis for understanding some important ideas. Day five includes a way to continue growing closer to God. Verses from the Bible give God's instructions for how to become a Christian - a Christ follower.
