Discovering God's Secret PlacesSample

Discovering God's Secret Places

DAY 2 OF 6

Our Real Work

There seems to be a common malady among Christians in ministry — and Christians in general. We often work as though God depended upon our level of effectiveness and efficiency. We work hard to accomplish our goals and strategic plans, surrounding ourselves with clutter and frantic activity. In our modern technology-centered culture, we associate being busy with being fruitful. It is easy to fall into a pattern of driven productivity, always evaluating our worth by how much we accomplish and the end product. 

This, however, was not the rhythm Jesus displayed during his sojourn on earth. Jesus was never in a hurry. He walked in the rhythm of the Father, taking unscheduled detours and staying in unconventional places, as when He re-routed his disciples through Samaria in John 4. He was always at work, but always at rest. He was never lazy yet didn’t worry about being efficient. He was in complete harmony, moving in the rhythms of the Father.

What is our real work? In John 4:34, Jesus told his disciples that His “food” was to do the will of the Father and accomplish His work. His work was completed at the cross when He cried out, “It is finished.” And because He finished His work, we can rest in ours. No more striving, for striving comes from a desire to get something not yet ours. We can work from our rest — not just rest from our work. What a blessing and joy!

In Deuteronomy 6:10-11, God invited the people to the promised land— a land of rest. He promised them “…great and good cities that you did not build, and houses full of all good things that you did not fill, and cisterns that you did not dig, and vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant.” Similarly, in John 4, Jesus says, “I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.” (v. 38). So why are we so stressed out?

God has not called His children to a stressful (and prideful) obsession with quantity, efficiency and self-absorbed plans. Instead, He says, “but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.” (Jeremiah 9:24). 

Are you passionate about working for God? We are all co-laborers in His harvest. Let us not forget that our real work is to believe in Him, to know Him and to enjoy Him forever. Give up your striving and begin working passionately from a place of rest in His finished work.

o Praise God that…

· He has accomplished the work of salvation for us, so that we may rest in His finished work as we joyfully serve Him.

· That our worth is not evaluated by our own effectiveness, efficiency or end product.

o Pray that… 

· You would learn to resist the temptation to focus on efficiency and fruit rather than on resting in Him.

· Prayer and intimate communion would replace stressful striving as you serve God.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Discovering God's Secret Places

Have you ever felt it is hard to abide in Christ when God seems so distant? Many Christians, including pastors, missionaries and full-time workers, admit to feeling distant from God and ministering from an empty heart. As we discover God’s call to abide, work, rest and walk with Him, we can learn to experience joy and fullness in the Secret Place of His Presence.
